31 December 2017

What is Religion? [Video Script]

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Religion gets a bad rap, perhaps deservedly so. However, I find that most critiques are rather shallow. They focus on one aspect of a religion and act as if that one aspect is representative of the whole. Some of the better ones will focus on two of the aspects and compare them for inconsistencies.

Perhaps I should take a second to define religion as I use the term. Religion used to mean belief in god and the religious body devoted to that god (i.e., church, synagogue, mosque). As we came to understand non-European conceptions of spirituality, the term was broadened to include such things as Buddhism and Taoism.

Religion, as I tend to use it, is the conception of how the *I* perceives its relationship to the *not-I*. Typically, this has a supernatural component, as the not-I tends to take on an eternal quality. To put it another way, it is the conception of what is, what was, and what shall be, combined with the conception of the self’s relationship to what is, what was, and what shall be.

Technically speaking, this means that there are many secular religions. Humanism, Communism, Fascism, Atheism, etc. all posit a worldview (i.e., what was, is, and shall be) and the self’s relationship to that worldview.

So religion, the driving force for civilization (see my video “On Reality”). Religion is, at its core, the embodiment of a societies values, ideals, dreams, and aspirations. It provides guidance for what a given culture finds “good” and what it despises as “evil”. It dictates the roles and bounds of our interactions with other members of our culture and with the outsider.

However, religion, even within a given culture, is far from monolithic. Aside from differences in interpretations of myth and scripture, religion also differs by virtue of its practitioners. The three broad categories I find useful are Scriptural, Elite, and Folk. These three divisions map to the classic castes of Priest, Aristocrat, and Commoner. Note that some societies also have a merchant class, whose members align, religiously, with either the Folk or Elite customs (or are outsiders). Now these aren’t strictly delineated, and there is overlap. They are more akin to what Bourdieu describes as the interaction of habitus, fields, and doxa, which I view as analogous to a template.

When most people talk about a religion, other than their own, they tend to focus on the scriptural. The bible, the Tao Teh King, the Koran, the Torah, etc. They will often supplement this with commentary by the priesthood (or its equivalent), thus we get Augustine, Changtse, the Hadiths, and the Talmud. This is informative. It puts forth the official ideals held by that cultural group.

Pendant to the scriptural form of a religion, we have the elite interpretation. The elites used to be synonymous with the aristocracy, but in today’s modern world, this function is held by the affluent, educated class. Here we tend to find the esoteric, or occult, variations. Philosophy, other religions, and science are brought into, and incorporated into, the elites’ understanding of the scriptural religion. This is where the Hermetic disciplines grew and flourished.

In another branch from the scriptural form, we have the folk traditions. These are typically formed by what is now termed the working class, though of old they were the peasants and slaves. These practices are a combination of older religious traditions and outright superstitions. Sometimes the scriptural form is nothing more than a cloak for the continuation of the aboriginal practices, such as with the start of Santaria, or (more commonly) they are an incorporation of previous traditions that were too strong to be displaced (such as the Catholic Cult of the Saints). This is where your hedge-witch or kitchen-witch mythos arose.

Now a holistic understanding of a peoples’ culture must take into account all three aspects of a cultures’ religion. In the case of the Universalistic religions (e.g., Christianity, Islam, Buddhism) it becomes even more complicated. Christianity shares a common scripture, but the Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, and Calvinist derivatives (which are further subdivided) must take into account the various differentiations within each cultural group. The folk and elite customs of the Anglican Communion in Ethiopia are a far cry from those in the United States. With Buddhism, the differences are even more striking, as the different sects adopted different scriptures so that Nikāya and Mahayana Buddhism are barely related in the scriptural sense.

It should be pointed out that these three aspects are not isolated. They are in constant communion with each other. They inform and modify each other. Also, the priesthood, which is the guardian of the scriptural tradition, is often pulled from the other two groups, the thoughts and ideas of the elites and folk are constant influences on the interpretation of the scriptural tradition. Likewise, as the priesthood are the guides of the spiritual life of both the elites and folk, the scriptural interpretation is constantly being exposed to the other two groups. The village priest is quite likely to leave out a bowl of milk for the hobs, if not from belief then to express solidarity with his rural flock.

Essentially, what I am getting at is that Religion is a complex, multi-faceted phenomena. Most criticism, even when it manages to go beyond “Hur,hur, dey so stupid”, seldom takes in this complexity. In fact, they take this complexity and use it as if it supported their opposition. To say that some folk tradition is in conflict with a scriptural doctrine is about as logical as criticizing Buddhism as being false because Zen is at odds with Tibetian Buddhism.

To recap, Religion is the codification and inspiration for a culture’s values. It translates the metaphysics into a sensible form which instructs and informs the members of its culture. Depending on the circumstances of one’s position within said society, one’s relationship with the religious tradition will vary. The most useful major divisions of a religion are into its Scriptural, Elite, and Folk interpretations. These interpretations form a dynamic relationship constantly influencing and reinforcing each other. To decry the fact that a folk interpretation is at odds with an elite or scriptural one is as pointless as claiming that Priest A thinks X, but Priest B thinks Y, so obviously the whole religion is false. This is as silly as when the creationists argue that evolution is false because of the discrepancy between punctuated equilibrium and phyletic gradualism.

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Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

30 December 2017

171230 VLOG {Video & script]

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

I recently read an interesting article titled

  • The Theosophical Imagination by Wouter Hanegraaff, a scholar of the occult. When I say scholar, I mean he is a professor focusing on the topic, not some hack with a degree writing his personal paradigm. He is a professor of History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents at the University of Amsterdam.
  • This led to the need to read two other works:
    • Manual of psychometry : the dawn of a new civilization by Joseph R. Buchanan
    • The Soul of Things, Or, Psychometric Researches and Discoveries by William Denton and Elizabeth M. Foote Denton

I will admit I laughed at the Antifa getting hit by a truck. I did watch carefully to make sure it wasn’t my oldest child.

  • Sadly, he seems to have fallen for the antifa bull

I meant to comment earlier, but I couldn’t work up a whole video on the topic. You may recall that a while ago a call went out in the occult community for a magic spell to be cast to inhibit Donald Trump. It was a crappily crafted spell, which I recall pointing out to the person who posted it to Medium. Further, they didn’t seem to realize that it was pure black magic. Black as in Evil. This is by the common definition, not the more nuanced and rarefied Thelemic context, but in the garden-variety white light and fuzzy bunny neopagan sense.

  • Black magick (in the colloquial sense) is coercive magick, that which robs the person of volition or will.
  • The NY Times has an article on the (apparent) resurgence of witchcraft, which discusses how the person featured held three sessions to hex Trump.
    • Sadly, it is also reflective of the degradation that spirituality is undergoing whereby it is suborned to the political.
    • Essentially, it is an opiate for the powerless to feel like they have power
    • They adopt the atheistic worldview, so they view the political as the spiritual
    • They don’t clearly articulate the goals so they can redefine the criteria for success
    • They cast a spell for his destruction and count something like Moore’s defeat as a victory
    • Stupid amateurs
    • There is a similar problem with conflating Psychology and Spirituality
    • Once a Democrat is back in power, the majority of new adherents to the occult will flitter away

I should probably mention my online presence.

  • I am not on Facebook. I deleted my account a year ago and have found myself happier and with more free time to accomplish my goals.
  • I am on Twitter, but I don’t follow it much. I do get emails when I am mentioned et al.
  • I am on Gab. I check it more than Twitter, but not much more.
  • I have a Minds profile, which I check in the morning before work and in the evening after work.
  • I post transcripts for my videos and some other content at Blogspot
  • Both Blogspot and Google+ are tied to my YouTube.
  • I have accounts on SoundCloud and DeviantArt, but those are just to follow artists I like.

Openshot is working wonderfully for me.

  • I actually enjoy making the videos.
  • Things that frustrated me in other software are very easy.
  • You may have noticed some softening of edges and the inclusion of samples from other videos.
    • Most of the last Music video was my making sure that the text stills giving information on Lilith were present long enough to be read
    • If they still flash by too quickly, let me know.
  • Slicing scenes, adjusting timing and the like are incredibly easy.
  • There are still some things I need to figure out, but working full-time and being a single father, I am rather pleased with my progress.

Buzzfeed put out an article on de Benoist. It is slanted as hell, but I so seldom see articles on him that I still want everyone to read it.

I really enjoyed TL;DR’s video on the Great Mouse Utopia. I was pointed to it by Crocoduck.

  • While one should avoid the trap of confirmation bias and read too many parallels between the experiment and human society
  • I was struck with the parallels between Modern Western Society and the Great Mouse Utiopia
  • While the damaging effects of Utopia have been examined (albeit superficially) in various films, it is really brought home how the necessity for a fulfilling life necessitates some form of overcoming.
  • The increasing alienation, unhappiness, narcissism, and violence we see in our society seems to be a reflection of the behavior seen in the Great Mouse Utopia
  • Plus, as with the term “Monkeysphere”, I just like saying “Great Mouse Utopia”.
  • I was also reminded of Fear’s song “Let’s Have a War”

I was going to make another video using Oingo Boingo’s “Violent Love” and a montage of angry feminists, but

  • I’ve already used an Oingo Boingo song recently,
  • And an Image search for “Angry Feminist” pulled up an inordinate amount of images of “Big Red”, and I felt it would slide from humor to bullying
  • Plus, I really have no sexual desire for any of these women, so I didn’t want to get their hopes up… 

My next video, probably tomorrow, will be “What is Religion?”

If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

Readings, Occult Action Against Trump, Online Presence, OpenShot Praise, Buzzfeed on de Benoist, The Great Mouse Utopia.

Montage: Selections of art from the Blog “70s Sci Fi Art”. Scenes from the film Wizards, as well as art works by Richard Powers and Frank Kelly Freas. (c) Copyrights belong to the respective copyright holders.

The Theosophical Imagination by Wouter Hanegraaff

Wouter Hanegraaff (Wikipedia entry)

Manual of psychometry : the dawn of a new civilization by Joseph R. Buchanan

The Soul of Things, Or, Psychometric Researches and Discoveries by William Denton and Elizabeth M. Foote Denton

Pro-Communist Antifa protester wiped out by truck at ‘March for Jesus’ in Portland

Season of the Witch


Music: Foetus - Lilith

They Wanted To Be A Better Class Of White Nationalists. They Claimed This Man As Their Father. (de Benoist)

Crocoduck: Why I Champion the Open Society

TL;DR - What Was the Mouse Utopia?

Fear - Let’s Have a War

Oingo Boingo - Violent Love

Richard M. Powers

Frank Kelly Freas


29 December 2017

Music: Foetus - Lilith

Includes a montage of images and a few informational slides.

26 December 2017

Antifa, it's ok to admit you don't know [Video Script]

— Initial Clip [Antifa doesn’t recognize flag]

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Antifa, I say this in all seriousness. It’s OK to just admit you don’t know something. Also, just because you don’t recognize something does not mean that it is automatically fascist, white supremacist, or nazi. Now, I admit that your perception of everything outside of what your finite mind knows as being white supremacist is indicative. However, I am not a psychotherapist.

When I first watched the news clip, that statement just struck me as wrong. Blue is not a common color for Nazis or White Supremacists. A quick Google search for “White Flag, blue square, red cross” brought up the proper entry.

—Image [Wikipedia]

Now some might claim that a religion founded by a Jew and of which the majority of adherents worldwide are not ethnically European (or Caucasian, or “white”) is inherently white supremacist, but that is just too stupid to be taken seriously.

Now I lived in Portland, Oregon for many years. Hawthorne Bridge is a rather busy thoroughfare and you aren’t supposed to cross it like that. Hell, cars aren’t even supposed to change lanes at that point. So, on the topic of stupidity…

— Second Clip [Hit by truck]

I may have mentioned, but I was a anarcho-punk in the 80s. Many things about antifa confuses me and makes me think that they are candy-assed wusses. We confronted Christians, Hicks, and Republicans all the time. However, we didn’t pretend otherwise. We hated Christians, so we harassed them. Likewise with the other groups. When the police came, we didn’t try to pretend that our virtue made us immune to the consequences. Their opposition merely confirmed our view that the system was corrupt.  They claim the system is corrupt (as it doesn’t conform to their worldview), but they act as if it isn’t. By their actions, they indicate that they know, subconsciously, that their words are a lie. I’ll try and work up a video on the difference between professed and actual values.

If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

23 December 2017

VLOG (171223) - OpenShot, Audacity, Toxic Masculinity [Script]

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Welcome to my first standalone video blog. I used to embed these into my content, but I think that Zarathrustra’s Serpent made a good point about keeping the video focused on the topic. I’ll try and keep all of these disparate elements separate and post them in a semi-regular video blog post. So…

  • I have switched my video editing software. I Was using Lightworks, which is an undeniably powerful program, but I found it less than intuitive.
    • I work full time and am a single parent, I don’t have time to fight with the software.
    • I am now using Openshot. It has the added benefit of being an open-source project
    • While I use Windows 10, I am also a fan of Linux (Currently running the latest Ubuntu)
    • Stallman was one of the few Commies who did good, imo.
    • You may have noticed the prior video was very simple as I am still learning the software
      • This one will probably be simple as well, but I hope to gradually add elements and complexity
      • For the first time, as I was putting together the video from its pieces, I did not feel frustrated and at war with my video editor.
  • Now my main concern is learning how to use Audacity
    • I’ve watched some tutorials and I think the sound is better now.
    • The sequence of steps involves abusing the hell out of the effects menu.
      • Get the noise profile off of the first few seconds of silence & apply it to the whole clip
      • Run the compressor effect. I use a setting of -12, though you may need to set it higher or lower.
      • From the Equalizer, give it a bass boost, then a treble boost.
      • I found it necessary to redo the noise reduction at this point.
      • Set a limiter, settings of hard limiter from -2 to -5. I use -2.
      • Finally run normalize.
    • Let me know if it sounds better. My last video was done with this sequence.
    • It makes me think of make-up, a lot of work for that natural feel.
  • On the reading front, I took a break with some mind candy.
    • I am currently reading Barb Hendee’s Mist-Torn series, but I am kind of stuck on the third book.
    • I also plan on re-reading Liber ABA part I (the yoga and meditation portion of Magick)

For some reason, I’ve been seeing a lot of videos on Toxic Masculinity
  • A Common theme has been the ideal of men repressing their emotions.
  • This is in error. Men who show no emotions are not respected. They are actually feared as being broken.
  • Men are expected to be in control of their emotions, to not let their emotions get the better of them.
  • The reasons for this are many, but the primary beneficiary of this is women.
  • Men control their emotions so they can provide support for women.
  • The classic and stereotypical image of the hero holding & supporting the sobbing heroine captures this
  • Being stoic allows the woman to reach catharsis by getting it out of their system.
I’ve started watching both Tim Pool and Styxhexenhammer666
  • I’ve found that I don’t really like “cringe”
  • Most of the reaction videos are little better than “You’re dumb (hehehe)”, so I don’t enjoy most of those.
  • Tim Pool tends to be more topical than I normally like, but he does it well and the videos tend to clock in at around 15m
  • Styxhexenhammer666 seems to have a focus similar to my channel’s, but he is way more prolific. He also seems to have let the Socio-political and Topical content dominate over the occulture. We will see.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

21 December 2017

A seasonal prayer and ancient drama

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

About a decade and a half ago, I got into a spot of trouble for a seasonal prayer. I had posted it to a Thelemic Community Forum under a title like “Sol Invictus Benediction”. This being the solstice, I thought I would share it with you.

First we begin with the 

For The Fatherland, cradle of civilization.
For the ancestors and their indomitable spirit
For the elders from whom we can learn much.
For our youth who represent the promise for tomorrow.
For our people, the original people.
For our struggle and in remembrance of those who have struggled on our behalf.
For Gott the principle of unity which should guide us in all that we do.
For the creator who provides all things great and small.

An Aside: “Gott” is German for “God” and has been chosen to symbolize the principle of striving for & maintaining unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

To this we add:

The Seven Principles:

  1. Unity - to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
  2. Self-Determination - to define ourselves, name ourselves, create ourselves, and speak for ourselves.
  3. Collective Work and Responsibility - to build and maintain our community together and make fellow European-American's problems our problems and to solve them together.
  4. Cooperative Economics - to build and maintain European-American stores, shops and other businesses together.
  5. Purpose - to make our collective vocation the building of our European-American community to restore our traditional greatness.
  6. Creativity - making the world around us clean and beautiful and better than we inherited it.
  7. Faith - to believe in ourselves, our family, our communities and our leaders and to believe the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Now, before telling you the inspiration for this little piece, I will share what I recall of the drama.

I wrote it up and shared it to a Thelemic Community Forum. Initial reaction was slightly positive, with one girl saying how great it was. Then someone questioned some of the word choices. Then it was branded as racist. The girl who had waxed poetic quickly back-pedaled and condemned it.

This condemnation did not change when I revealed that it was the Kwanzaa dedication and their seven principles with only three changes.

  1. I changed the word Motherland to Fatherland
  2. I replaced the phrase “African-American” with “European-American”, and
  3. I changed the African word “Umoja” to “Gott” while defining it in exactly the same way.

In fairness, the version I found at 123holiday.net does not use any racial language. Though the phrases can still be read in such a manner.

To be honest, I knew that I would get this reaction. Racist behavior is only deemed racist if a white person is doing it. Innocuous behavior is viewed as being racist if a white person does it.

When I first started publishing this kind of thing, I would take Christian screeds against pagans and invert the language. Mostly reversing the two phrases. The key was to keep as much intact as possible. The goal was to show hypocrisy. These works were applauded. Showing the “others” hypocrisy is always applauded. However, when I broadened the scope to include other sacred cows, the applause slowed. When I hit their sacred cows, they got out the pitchforks.

As it is said in Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

May the Blessings of Gott be upon you this Season.

And remember, if you're at a social function and a benediction is said and the God invoked is not your own, it's a good idea to mutter, roll your eyes, and smirk, so your God will know that you're not taken in by some false God.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

Citations and Notes
Kwanzaa Dedication
Kwanzaa Principles

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Kai Engel
Chant Of Night Blades
Deathless: The Renaissance

The Hellbound Heart
Hellraiser Themes [CD]

18 December 2017

Google is violating copyrights & doesn't care

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

As you are probably aware, I use an intro and outro song. A different song for each. I have had no problems with my intro songs, but I keep having issues with my outro track. I don’t monetize my videos, so it is more the principle of the thing than anything else.

Currently, I am using Kai Engel’s Chant of the Night Blades from his Deathless: The Renaissance album as my introduction. However, I’ve been through a sequence of closing tracks. The first was a track by Ordo Equitum Solis titled Father of Incantations. (link below). Since that is copyrighted music, I decided to replace it. This is when I went to the Free Music Archive. That is where I found by current Introductory track. I selected Ami Deng’s track A Strange Community from her album Hukam for my ending. After repeated copyright claims, some of which were released, others which were not, I decided it wasn’t worth the hassle. Despite it being available for my use due to my being in compliance with the license, every video was being claimed on upload and not always released.

So, I searched again. This time I found a track by Koesz. It is titled The Charon from his The Entity EP. I used it while I was in Japan with no problems. However, despite it being under the Creative Commons License and my using that license as instructed, it was flagged. It was identified as being Trilio’s Deadly Shadow. Evidently, it is a collaboration with Koesz and Koesz seems to use some of the same material (mainly the haunting female vocals that I isolated for my ending track). However, it is not the same song. I disputed the claim, pointing out that (a) it wasn’t the song it was being identified as, and (b) I’ve never even heard of Trilio. The appeal was rejected.

I’ve been quite careful to make sure I was in compliance with copyright law and I am still being penalized. Frankly, it pisses me off. It also means that Google is violating Copyright law. They are breaking the copyright license of the Creative Commons, and falsely awarding a claim to a company that doesn’t deserve it. In this case, Triple Vision Record Distribution.

So yeah, I am looking for another ending track. Google’s algorithm is broken and flags tracks as being the wrong item. Then, they facilitate copyright violation by not honoring the Creative Commons license and awarding credit for a work to the wrong people. There is nothing that can be done, since the companies have no incentive to fix a system that brings them in more money (no matter how minuscule). Google has no incentive to fix it because the companies are happy and they make their money. Sure, I am protected from a lawsuit, but this kind of soft, non-legal persecution has no protection (at least of which I am aware). I am just a small channel with 200 subscribers.

I have no problems with people getting credit and reward for their work. I have problems with false charges and mis-attributions. Hell, I encourage monetization of my music videos. I want the artists to earn money and continue to make music I like. However, this is just bs.

Enjoy the excerpt from The Charon, it will probably be the last time you hear it on my videos.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

16 December 2017

SJWs, Alt-Right, & Priorities [Video Script]

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

This video will compare and contrast the “alt-Left” and the “alt-Right” from a practical viewpoint.

By alt-left, I am lumping (perhaps unfairly) the SJWs, Anti-fa, and similar radical, leftists groups with communistic or neo-Marxist ideologies.

By alt-right, I am referring to the loose coalition of white nationalists, white supremacists, white separatists, neo-nazis, and similar groups.

I apologize for the delay. I had one script that I just didn’t feel was any good once I completed it, then I had a couple of bouts of illness. Then I kept revising this as new things popped onto my radar. Then I realized that it would never end. Then, but really these excuses are all somewhat lame. I will try to do better in the future.


I am currently re-reading The Equinox.

  • I  finished Volume I, issues 1 and 2.
  • I admit to skipping the stuff on drugs, the fiction, and to glossing over the poetry.
  • While I enjoy the poetry, I’ve read most of it several times already.
  • Even though I have read the Libers multiple times, I am not glossing over those.
  • Everyone should reread these periodically.

I am also preparing to systematically read the Complete Works of Plato.

  • I’ve read some works, but in a more disjointed manner
  • The Cooper edition was highly regarded, so I grabbed it.
  • I plan on doing the same with Aristotle once I finish Plato.

I also grabbed the enhanced edition of Neverwinter Nights and spent most of Saturday playing it.

  • However, it was a beta and I broke it, there is much sadness.

SJWs. the Alt-Right & Setting Priorities

For the sake of convenience, let’s create a continuum with the extremes on each side.
Again, for the sake of convenience, we will label one “alt-right” and lump into it the alt-right, fascists, white nationalists, nazis, etc.
On the other end we will put the label “alt-left” and place anti-fa, other ethnic nationalists, marxists such as BAMN, etc.
Let us fill the continuum with the fellow travelers, those sympathetic to each pole, but who refrain from overt activism.
I should point out that the activism doesn’t have to be violent, after all, most of the alt-righter’s do not descend to the violence of Nazi Skinheads or some such.

Where should you put yourself on the continuum?

Before answering that, I should present my own position. I get called a nazi by leftists and a commie by the right. To paraphrase the good Baron,
“In as much as the alt-right agrees with my position, I am, only to that degree, alt-right”.
Conversely, “In as much as the alt-left agrees with my position, I am, only to that degree, alt-left”.

My third son introduced me to a nice post-apocalyptic series by S.M.Stirling called “The Change”. I won’t give you a rundown of the series (link below), but an oft repeated refrain in the series is that “When a person comes to your land with a weapon & tries to inflict harm, they should not be surprised to lose their own life”.

In gauging the relative risks posed by each group, we need to consider both size and traction. While it seems to be true that the “right” is gaining in strength, it is also a fact that the “left” has dominated the Western world since the end of World War II, gaining a virtual hegemony in the 60s-70s. For a half century or more, the center has been steadily moving left. Antifa protests in the US gather numbers that seem to be in the hundreds, if not the thousands. The only numbers I can find for the alt-right indicates that they seem to be numbered in the tens, with Charlottesville actually gathering a couple hundred. If anyone has better numbers, please let me know.

So size-wise, it seems that the “alt-left” is far more numerous than the “alt-right”. What about traction? Whose ideas are presented sympathetically? Whose acts of violence are ignored or downplayed, and whose are fabricated or exaggerated? How does the media, or society in general, assuming there is a practical difference, present ten or so people of various ethnic heritages standing in a pagoda and calling for “Freedom of Speech”? How does it present the hundreds of black clad antifa and their fellow travelers surrounding them and trying to drown them out? I think it safe to say that, by any objective measure, the “alt-left” has far more traction in the US, and likely in Western Europe as well.

Now, for the sake of this argument let us just assume that both are violent and seek to rid the world of those who oppose them. The alt-left’s statement that “Liberals get the bullet, too” and the older neo-nazi slogan of “When you are swinging from a rope it doesn’t matter if you swing to the left or the right” convey the same attitude of ideological purity and democide.

Ask yourself which is the more immediate threat, the murderer in your house or the lynch mob on the other side of town? Modern society seems to have a real problem with false equivalence and prioritizing. It seems obvious to me that one must first deal with the murderer attempting to kill you who is right before you, rather than ignoring them because there is a lynch mob on the other side of town. Once threat ‘A’ is dealt with, you can deal with threat ‘B’.

Being as I subscribe to neither of the ideological positions typified by these poles of “alt-left” and “alt-right”, it would be safe to assume that I am on the “list” for both groups, when & if they are able to pursue democide in their crusade for ideological purity.

I would then have to ask, which list would I be on, the first list or the second list. If I were in a room with an antifa and a neo-nazi and they were aware of my lack of support for their cause, which would be more likely to kill me? Which one views me and my children as an affront to their cause? Given that the assault rate on bystanders for the alt-left is far higher than that of the alt-right, it is safe to assume that I am in more danger from the alt-left than the alt-right. 

Admittedly, I am not a black man with a white girlfriend, so each must make this decision for themselves. Just make sure that what you give up, what you sacrifice, is worth what you receive.

"The Idea and only the Idea can be the true Fatherland for them. Not the fact that they are of the same nationality, that they speak the same language, and that they are of the same blood, but the fact that they belong to the same idea, should be the deciding factor that unites or divides them." - Julius Evola

And wouldn’t you know, the NY Times just released an articles glorifying anti-fa. Amusing.

Another YouTuber, Matt Christiansen, released an interesting video on this topic, “Antifa Professor” Speaks at Berkeley, But Why Didn’t the Fascists Shut Him Down?

Thank you for listening to my thoughts on this matter. I should clarify that I am not calling for anyone to support either the alt-left or alt-right. This is meant as an aid to prioritize which group to oppose. As a Thelemite, I oppose all forms of collectivism, and, yes, I am aware of the irony of using a collective label for an individualistic system.

Evidently, one should exhort the listener to like and subscribe. I am bad at this, since I think it is self evident. So, if you liked this video, or any of my other videos, please click on the like button (which I assume does something besides giving me the warm fuzzies) and subscribe so you know when I post new content.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

Opening: Kai Engel Chant Of Night Blades Deathless: The Renaissance 

Ending: Keosz The Charon ENTITY EP 

09 November 2017

de Naglowska: Open Letter to Pius XI & Initiatic Eroticism

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

This video will include two chapters of Maria de Naglowska’s Initiatic Eroticism.

  • This book is a compilation of articles by de Naglowska from her paper “La Fleche” (The Arrow)
  • I found her because she is said to be a source for Evola
  • She also translated Randolph’s Sexual Magic.
    • The only version of this work is from her translation
    • According to Donald Traxler, the translator of her works, She added significantly to that work.
  • Randolph is said to be one of the sources for Thelemic Sexual Magick.
    • I have been reading Eulis! But it is hard going.
    • When I read his statements of “I am a doctor” combined with he assertions that abortion is unnecessary because the woman can push out the zygote by biting her thumb and blowing, it causes me to lack confidence…
    • Rather than reading it with an eye out for the false, I am now reading in hopes of gleaning something worthwhile.
  • The first article  will be from Page 139, titled “Open Letter to Pius XI”
  • The second will be from Page 146, titled “Initiatic Eroticism”
  • Overall, I found the book interesting and well worth my while, despite its overt religious and mystical slant.

So, a quick Video Log update and then on to the meat of the video.

I Spent some time writing another grab bag, but I just wasn’t feeling it when I was done, so instead, I’ll just mention them here and link them below.

  • First, there was the video “Why Do The Cult Of SJWs Hate Anti SJWs More Than Anyone [Super Collaboration Mirror]”
    • Answers range, but I think that the primary reasons are ressentiment and the uncanny valley/cognitive dissonance
    • The closer things are, the more likely we are to wonder if WE made a wrong turn in judgement
  • Second, That Japanese Man Yuta has a channel where he goes out and interviews Japanese people on the street.
    • The first video I want to highlight is “What Japanese Think of Feminism”
    • Next would be the more recent “Do Japanese Want Multiculturalism in Japan?”
    • Both are worthwhile, as are many other videos in his archive.
  • Thirdly, I highly recommend Zarathrustra’s Serpent’s recent Video “Zarathrustra’s Whip”
    • I think it summarizes quite clearly one of the points of intersection between Nietzsche and Thelema
    • There is a reason why Nietzsche is esteemed as a prophet/forerunner of Thelema
    • This helps explain why Nietzsche is in the list of Saints
  • Fourth are some articles
    • From the American Conservative, “Burning Man Staves Off Nihilism, If Only Temporarily”
    • And from Medium, “Micro-Religions” which looks at current social movements critically.

And in recent news, yes, it IS OK to be white.
I don’t know why everyone hates albinos so much.


  • Page 139,  “Open Letter to Pius XI”
  • Page 146,  “Initiatic Eroticism”

So, I think it is quite apparent that de Naglowska was tapped into the early stirrings of the 93rd Current, another antecedent of Thelema. From this one work, I see strong correlations between Naglowska and Crowley. This may change as I read the other works, but for now I find it very compelling. I hope you enjoyed these excerpts.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

Citations and references.
Why Do The Cult Of SJWs Hate Anti SJWs More Than Anyone [Super Collaboration Mirror]

What Japanese Think of Feminism (Interview)

Do Japanese Want Multiculturalism in Japan? (Interview)

Burning Man Staves Off Nihilism, If Only Temporarily


Zarathustra's Whip

Initiatic Eroticism and Other Occult Writings from La Fleche

12 October 2017

Theism: A Thelemic Perspective

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
First, a Quick Update
  • I apologize for the delay, I had a medical emergency
  • Then work got hectic
  • And now my parents are getting ready for their migration to Arizona. They are “snowbirds”.
Let’s start with some quick opinions and comments:
  • Rest in Peace, Tom Petty.
  • Also, Raymond Buckland is dead. The man responsible (imo) for turning Wicca from a Spiritual Tradition & Religion to merely a religion.
  • Take a Knee is just like other forms of “Activism” such as Free The Nipple.
    • It doesn’t impact their lives, but allows them to feel morally superior.
    • And like I care what a bunch of guys in tight pants, who roll around on a field with other guys in tight pants, think.
    • Though to be honest, I don’t really care what the Legends Football League thinks either, though I do prefer seeing photos of the LFL over those of the NFL.
  • I still think the original slogan was better: “No War, No KKK, No Fascist USA”
  • I am amused that the Alternative for Deutschland party has a higher percentage of immigrant MPs than the “pro-immigration” party of Merkel.
    • It kind of shows how they think, unfettered immigration is great for the “lower classes”
    • Reading the article reminded me of how the most diverse presidential cabinet was that of the “Racist” Republican George “W” Bush.
On the reading front, I just finished reading Maria Naglowska’s Initiatic Eroticism.
  • She is said to be a primary source for Evola’s works on sexuality and sexual magick.
  • I am surprised I hadn’t heard of her before since she ran in Surrealist and Occult circles and I am familiar with several of the people with whom she was in contact.
  • As I understand it, Randolph’s better know work Sexual Magic only exists in her “translation”, to which she seems to have added a third or more of the material. 
  • The works are translated from the French and published by Inner Traditions.
  • So far the works are easy to read and quite interesting.
So on with the video. Wherein I discuss Atheism, Agnosticism, and Theism within a Thelemic context. I’ll wrap up with my own personal opinions and experiences.
First some working definitions.
Theism is the belief in God, Gods, or some other type of spiritual beings.
Atheism is the belief that there is nothing more than the material, observable realm.
Agnosticism is the lack of belief in either position. Sadly, it is all too often used by non-committal Atheists to hedge their bets.
Certain spiritual beliefs are not normally considered theistic. Early Buddhism (Nikaya), some forms of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism , and Doctrinal Taoism, rather than folk Taoism, fall into this realm.
However, strictly speaking these are not Atheistic, since they postulate the existence of the non-material. The Western term religion has problems with spiritual traditions that fall outside the Abrahamic religions. Are traditions which tell one to honor the gods as metaphor or for social cohesion theistic? How about those that postulate something other than a King-Serf relationship?
These are some of the reasons why Crowley stated in Magick Without Tears: “Call it a new religion, …; but I confess that I fail to see what you will have gained by so doing, and I feel bound to add that you might easily cause a great deal of misunderstanding, and work a rather stupid kind of mischief”.
Spiritual Tradition is more cumbersome, but far less restrictive.
Thelema contains references to several gods and goddesses. Nuit, Hadit, Heru-Ra-Ha, Pan, Babalon, Therion, etc. are all referenced. The rituals we use refer to YHVH, Adonai, Ehieh (Asher Ehieh), and various angels, such as Aiwass, Gabriel, Raphiel, Michael, and Uriel. We can continue, the list is legion.
However, we must remember Crowley’s words in Liber O, where he states “It is immaterial whether these exist or not. By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them”.
Back to Magick Without Tears, we are told that Thelema is “an enthusiastic putting-together of a series of doctrines, no one of which must in any way clash with Science or Magick.” Thelema seems to postulate the “Gods” as an operational jargon. When I refer to “Yahweh” it conjures an energy/symbol/archetype/being defined by the Tetragrammaton, whose qualities are known and defined through various techniques — since it is a Hebrew term, these are mostly via Qabalistic methods.
We are skeptical, which means we doubt both the Theist and the Atheist. The proper Thelemic view would be agnosticism, neither denying nor believing in the existence of the Gods. Even the Creed of Liber XV: The Gnostic Catholic Mass can be read in a strictly atheistic manner. I plan on doing a video on the creed at a later date.
Properly speaking, Thelema tells us to find out on our own. Crowley, who had practiced Theravāda Buddhism prior to his revelation, came to feel “My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know; and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such Beings.” It should be noted that Theravāda is a form of Nikaya Buddhism.
Likewise, I progressed from a virulent anti-Christian atheism (thanks to my parents having been born again while I was a child) to where I am today, which is a theistic leaning agnostic. I have had direct, personal, revelatory experiences with gods, goddesses, and the divine. However, this is subjective. They are my experiences and I cannot prove them to anyone else, nor do I try. Anecdotal experience is not proof. Neither can I prove that my personal subjective experiences were not delusion or misinterpretation. However, I felt pretty silly referring to myself as an atheist after I had met god.
I have found that many atheists are as committed to swaying others to their belief system as fundamentalist Christians are.
The closest I have for “proof” of the divine are the Principle of Grandeur and the fact that the Whole is Greater than Its Parts. These are actually related which may or may not be obvious from their descriptions.
The first is an animistic viewpoint. In fact, it is a principle behind the Japanese Shinto tradition. In the land of infinite gods, anything that imbues a sense of awe or wonder is considered a god. The spirits of place can inhabit a valley, a river, a stone, or a tree. Anything that creates a response in the minds of the viewer is a god. Nor is it restricted to natural items. The beauty of a gothic cathedral, the ubiquitousness of the Compact Disk, these are also gods. Gods also go away when that which created them goes away. The CD god is weakening. When a river is paved over, it’s god is diminished (this was the origin of Haku in the anime Spirited Away). The death or diminishment of a god isn’t always simple. The negative impacts can be seen in Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke.
The second revolves around the simple fact that, for example, we know the composition of the Human body. However, if we take all of these elements and mix them together, we would not have a human. When we take various colors and apply them to canvas, a thing of beauty emerges. This isn’t a call for intelligent design per se, it in no way attempts to deny the reality of evolution. However, there is, as Liber AL: II:32 puts it, “a factor infinite & unknown”.
So, to put it simply, Thelema is skeptical of the claims put forth by both Atheism and Theism. However, we do hold that there is something “plus” to the material realm. Having said that, there are Thelemites who hold either position, but (for the most part) they seem to be rather conflicted in their opinions and specious in their arguments.
Again, I apologize for the break in schedule.
Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will
Citations & Notes
Germany's far-right AfD has more immigrant MPs than Merkel's conservatives
Legends Football League
Maria de NaglowskaInitiatic Eroticism 
Chapter XXXI: Religion–Is Thelema a "New Religion"?
Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae sub figurâ VI
Liber XV: Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ
Chapter XXX: Do you believe in God?
Princess Mononoke
Liber AL vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX as Delivered By XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI

01 September 2017

Pedophilia (Response)

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

On 27 July 2017, I uploaded what I thought was an amusing anecdote of a discussion I had with my third son regarding the pro-pedophilia site, Heart Progress. Despite what I consider to be the horrific nature of the site and its agenda — i.e., the normalization of sexual relations between adults and pre-pubescent children, I tried to keep it light in tone and focused more on my child’s reactions and our discussion. My third son is 17, and I have an open topic policy with all of my children. If they have heard about it, it needs to be discussed so that misinformation does not grow and fester.
The video touches upon the difference between Pedophilia, Hebephilia, and Ephebophilia (the interest in pre-pubescent, young teen, and older teens). It also discussed the history of the normalization of Pedophilia, particularly pederasty, via the person of Hakim Bey and the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
The only responses to date are from Pedophile Apologists.
Now I have no way to know (& really no inclination to find out) if the responses are from one or more people. Since the anonymous postings are trivial, I have just rolled them into the same discussion.
It all started with some anonymous poster stating that “Pedosexuality is natural, its OK, and we shouldn't be ashamed of it.”
I wrote back that animals often engage in unsavory practices, google did not give me any hits to support intercourse with sexually immature members of the species, and that yes, if shame is necessary to keep one from hurting children, then one should feel shame.
I am going to interject here with some definitions. The vague terms were refined later in the thread, but one could interpret the exchange as my moving the goalposts. From the beginning, I meant intercourse to mean “penetrative sexual intercourse” and “sexually immature” as pre-pubescent. Fortunately, my “opponents” are as poor in reasoning and logic as they are fact deficient, so they did not capitalize on the vagueness to perform any equivocation, nor to accuse me of moving the goalposts. However, I do hope that some of the people listening are better versed in reasoning than the posters to this thread.
Anyway, this is where Otis Jenkins jumped in. I will admit that I did not recognize “Frans de waal” as a name. He claimed that the Bonobos were our closest relatives and that they were wanton pedophiles. After I demanded a citation, he gave me an article with page numbers and a claim that he had read the article. I then procured the article (and some others) and found three things. One, the page citation was the whole article, it matched the Wikipedia article citation, and the article did not support his assertion of penetrative sex with pre-pubescent members of their species. We will discuss the article later.
When I told him this and demanded a real citation (i.e. page) he responded with a video whose description (in Italian) indicated sex with a youth. When I pointed this out to him he told me it was obvious that it was a child. He then responded with another video showing a mother and child, where the mother rubbed the girl’s genitals to soothe it to sleep. Evidently, this was supposed to prove that the first video actually depicted a pre-pubescent since “they were the same size”. He got pissy when I pointed out that neither actually counted as proof and that I was not an expert on bonobos such that I could visibly identify age and sexual maturity.
After a weeks worth of exchanges, of which I have taken screen shots so even if he deletes his comments I have a record, he still hasn’t provided me with the actual citation from the article which he claims supports his position. He has also called me a Nazi repeatedly for disagreeing with him. Obviously, such a charge has duly chastised me and I am torn with agony. He has also failed to respond to my question of whether one should engage in other behaviors such as not giving food to women unless they put out, or whether one should kill the children of women who refuse to have sex with oneself.
You can read the thread for yourself, if you so choose. As these things go, it isn’t all that long.
As a result of this thread, I’ve learned far more about the bonobos that I could reasonably have wanted. They are perpetually caught in the 70s-80s hedonistic lifestyle. They do not seem to pair bond, and will engage in sex for any reason from boredom to food to apologize — and sometimes even for the purpose of procreating.
The article we will discuss is 1990 paper by Frans B.M. de Waal titled “Sociosexual Behavior Used for Tension Regulation in All Age and Sex Combinations Among Bonobos.” It was published in the book Pedophilia, pp.378-393.
The first thing to notice about the article is its age. This does not invalidate the research, but it does beg the question of what more recent research indicates — and why more recent research is not used to bolster the pro-pedophiliacs arguments. From the limited research I did on the topic, I found nothing to contradict de Waal’s findings, but I must stress that the amount of research I did was not at the level of what I would have engaged had I been writing a paper for instructor or peer review.
Next, It should be noted that this study was done on captive bonobos and might not be indicative of wild bonobo behavior. Again, other papers seem to indicate that the behavior is similar, but the fact of their captivity should be born in mind. After all, the Wolf hierarchy study received much criticism for this when people tried to discredit the the resulting idea of Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Omega roles (& which partially succeeded in collapsing the hierarchy to merely two levels, Alpha-Beta).
First off, it should be noted that in the entire 16 pages of the article, it does not support the assertion of penetrative sexual intercourse with pre-pubescent members of the species. In fact, while the article does indicate sexual play, it never involved penetration, and it was always initiated by the child. Essentially, the child would rub her genitals on the other members. I quote from page 382: “Mounts with the female infant never resulted in intromission or ejaculation”. Also from 382: “sociosexual contacts of adults and adolescents with the infant were initiated by the infant herself”.
Now while the article on bonobos does not support pedophilia, it does make a strong case for the normalization of prostitution. On page 387: “The interaction [food sharing] could even take place as an exchange, e.g., a female presents to a male who is holding a large bundle of branches and leaves and takes the entire bundle out of his hands immediately following sexual intercourse.” If we follow the bonobo way of life, women don’t get dinner until the men get the nookie.
Now Otis posited that bonobos were the “closest”, but in reality, that divergence was some 8 million years ago, as was that with the chimpanzees. Both can be accurately called humans closest relatives. However, both show different mating strategies and sexual “mores” (for want of a better term). You can read about that on page 387-389.
Now Otis seemed to be arguing that since bonobos were closely related to humans, we should emulate their behaviors. This is just stupid. First there is the logical fallacy of analogy going on here — or perhaps identity would be more accurate. Essentially, to say that because A is like B whatever qualities A has must also be present in B is wrong. This can only be the case if A=B and B=A. That is, if Humans are Bonobos and Bonobos are Humans. Since this is false, Otis’ argument fails logically.
However, let us look more deeply. Humans have a civilization and culture. We (arguably) have the ability to reason. We also have a greater intellect. Humans also have a longer maturation process. A Bonobo goes from infant to puberty in 6 years. Rather than forming family units through pair-bonding, they exist in a looser collective reminiscent of a free-love commune.
Humans are not suited for a social structure such as the bonobo displays. This can be seen in the wreckage of the 1960s were free love communes imploded. Simply put, if you want to live as a bonobo, you should go live with the bonobos. I will admit to an abstract curiosity as to how the bonobos would react if a pedophile actually penetrated one of their children. I am also curious as to how the pedophile would react to all of the necessary adult sexual interaction of both hetro & homosexual nature. Poor little pedophile would have to have sex with adults too.
Also, let us not pretend that “love” is a part of this. Love is a poetic description of the pair bonding process. There is no love in the sexual activity of the bonobos. One could argue that there is no love in any animal sexual activity, even those who pair bond, but that gets into a more philosophical realm.
So yeah, to anyone trying to normalize pedophilia: You need medical assistance before you harm a child and need to be removed from society. Your naturalist arguments do not appear to be correct. Evidence cited in favor of nurturing sexual relations with adults and pre-pubescent children fails to support your position.
Even were such evidence to be found, you would still need to demonstrate that such examples are applicable to a different species. Even among humans, the fact that Joe robbed a store does not mean that you should be allowed to rob a store. In a similar fashion, just because the simpler brain structures of one of our  primate relative that diverged from our common ancestor 8 million years ago (& not all of our primate relatives) allow some sexual play with immature members of their species, this does not indicate that it is proper or natural for human beings to engage in such play.
Hopefully, this will wrap up this rather stupid and disgusting exchange.
Truth is found in the Rubble of FalsehoodLove is the law, love under will
This is a video response to the rather inane thread by Otis Jenkins, who seems to be an advocate for having sex with children. If this is a mis-characterization, Otis, please let me know.
For legal reasons, please do not interpret this as a call to harass Otis for his views.
Original Video
de Waal, Frans B.M. Sociosexual Behavior Used for Tension Regulation in All Age and Sex Combinations Among Bonobos.  (1990)
Primate Factsheet: Bonobos
Intro/Outro Music is from the Free Music Archive.
Borrowed without their knowledge for non-commercial purposes.
There opinions are their own and the use of their music should not be taken as agreeing with my positions or even as awareness that I even exist.
Opening:Kai EngelChant Of Night BladesDeathless: The RenaissanceDownloadLicense
Ending:KeoszThe CharonENTITY EPDownloadLicense

31 August 2017

Antifa: A Lived Experience

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
This will be a “lived experience” — or as we used to call it, an anecdote. As such it is not “evidence”, but rather indicative. A break in the monolithic characterization by the mainstream that “Anti-fa” is somehow “good” or that their violence is just a few “bad apples”. To applaud anti-fa because they claim to oppose Nazism, is a bit like applauding the Nazis because they also rounded up Jehova Witnesses, or even better, if they had renamed themselves “Anti-Jehova Witnesses”. Liking something for what they oppose is suicidal. It is what something is for that matters.
I was a punk in the 1980s. Dead Kennedys, CRASS, Reagan Youth, False Prophets, TSOL, MDC, etc. A homeless street punk for a couple of years, followed by your typical spate of lower class jobs until about 1993 when I decided that getting a real job wasn’t selling out so much as enabling myself to indulge my passions. I sired my first child in 1995, which made all the other stuff moot. This was all in Portland, Oregon.
The reason I bored you with that little biography was to explain that I know a little bit about Anti-fa.
As an aside, the original slogan, as sung by MDC was “No War, No KKK, No Fascist USA”. Interesting what was changed, isn’t it? They could have made it four parts and kept the Rhyme, but instead they eliminated their opposition to War. I also want to point out that MDC has a song that illustrates the Antifa method for identifying Nazis (check out “John Wayne was a Nazi”). MDC was a great Homocore band, but the illusion broke when I realized that their meth addiction & tendency to steal cars might mean that the police’s attention on their behavior was not unjustified.
Back on topic, even back in the 1980s, Antifa was a violent collection of lame-ass losers. They have only become bolder and bolder as we continue to ignore them.
To be totally honest, I am unsure which came first to Portland, Anti-fa or the Neo-Nazi Skinheads. I do know that both were present in 1987.
Now, the primary representatives of the antifa, at that time, in Portland, were two groups, “Skins Committed Against Racism” and “Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice”. SCAR was in Portland prior to SHARP. As you might guess it was very hard to tell the difference between Antifa Skins and Neo-Nazi Skins. This was made even more difficult by the simple fact that the membership between the two groups kept revolving. Brutus Skinhead would get in a fight with his mates and go join the opposing side for a bit, then after getting in a fight with them, he would move back.
I vividly remember sitting outside the Multnomah Library one evening when a car rolled up. Five skinheads and one skin-bitch (that is what the females called themselves) rolled up looking to jump someone.
Fortunately, they were antifa and I was wearing my Dead Kennedys “Nazi Punks F*** Off” shirt. Even they couldn’t rationalize me as being a Nazi. Unfortunately, a friend of mind was not so lucky, and they pitched him through a plate glass window. Evidently, a skinny goth-punk street kid with a tri-fin just had to be a nazi (he wasn’t).
The Nazi’s and the Anti-Fa were, as was typical at the time, attacking third parties, mainly because both the Nazis and the Antifa travel in packs, and neither were too fond of anything less than 6-to-1 odds.
During the 1990s, both sides had started to broaden their base. You couldn’t avoid Nazis or Antifa just by avoiding people with shaved heads. However, something interesting did happen. The Nazis cut back on the random attacks. After the Mulugeta Seraw case, violence committed by Nazi skinheads in Portland started to decline.
However, Antifa continued. They would start riots against Republicans, call in bomb threats to venues daring to allow a gay brit to play guitar, threaten violence to the fans of those musicians (I admit that most of my information post-1995 is music related), and similar.
So, yeah, don’t tell me how Antifa are misunderstood. Don’t tell me that this is something new. Don’t tell me that they aren’t violent. Antifa has been engaging in this behavior for decades. It is just the modern mindset that emboldens them to be even more blatant.
Antifa are a cancerous, violent assortment of misfits that will be lined up and disposed of should their desired Communist utopia occur — just as has always happened to any anarchists who have ever worked with any communist revolution. Sure, they may be in the second list, but they will be rounded up and eliminated. Red Anarchism was one of the reasons why I stopped being an Anarchist.
Anyway, that is my story.
Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will
SCAR was probably a local independent group, I cannot find anything on them.SHARPMulugeta SerawNote, the article is incorrect, they were not officially affiliated with WAR, and as I recall they were friends with, but not members of, East Side White Pride
“No War, No KKK, No Fascist USA”: MDC - Born to DieThe 2016 version with the new lyrics
SHARP & Anti-SHARP logos (from Wikipedia)Design by: Williamcaseyhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Intro/Outro Music is from the Free Music Archive.
Borrowed without their knowledge for non-commercial purposes.
There opinions are their own and the use of their music should not be taken as agreeing with my positions or even as awareness that I even exist.
Opening:Kai EngelChant Of Night BladesDeathless: The RenaissanceDownloadLicense
Ending:KeoszThe CharonENTITY EPDownloadLicense

26 August 2017

Thelemic Ethics and Rights (Video + Script)

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
  • I believe I mentioned this last video, but
  • I am changing my ending track. I am tired of getting an automated copyright flag, disputing it with the Creative Commons license, and then having them approve some and disapprove others. Annoying.
    • The New Track is “The Charon” by Keosz from the “Entity EP”.
    • My Opening is still “Chant of Night Blades” by Kai Engel form the “Deathless: The Renaissance” album.
    • Links are below.
    • My use should not be taken as endorsement of my content by either artist.
  • I went to Enoshima yesterday
    • Honored Benzaiten and The Dragon God. I also stopped by a Shingon Temple, but there was no fire so I didn’t stay long.
    • It was hot and muggy, but the discomfort will fade away and I will treasure the memory.
  • My favorite Japanese gods are Inari, Benzaiten, Kannon, Jizo, and Tenjin.
So on with the video
  • Thelema is an individualistic philosophy.
  • Thelema borrows heavily from Nietzsche.
  • Thelema also borrows heavily from various spiritual and religious practices from around the world
  • Finally, it also borrows from Science, both Soft and Hard.
    • Please see my video on Thelema and the Scientific Method.
  • Thelema positions itself as the inheritor of the past ages of mankind.
    • Rather than being post-modern, it attempts to inject a meaning and purpose back into life.
    • The influence of the Christian/Modern age cannot be undone, nor should it.
    • Those who seek to undo time are delusional
    • Also, those who seek to continue on the path of modernity to post-modernity are lost, directionless, and adrift.
    • This can be seen in the fractious and unrealistic behaviors of the more extreme elements of society
    • The seeds of modernity sown by Christianity have their natural culmination in behaviors of the SJW crowd.
    • Water flows downhill. Going back would merely return us to where we are today. This is the path of least resistance.
    • Thelema is resistance. A fight against the Spirit of Gravity. An upheaval which will divert the river onto a new path.
  • Which brings us to the topic of this video.
    • The highest state of Overcoming is knowing one’s will. This typically involves work, discipline, and time.
    • One’s Will is the summation of one’s being. So how should one act until one achieves knowledge of their will?
    • Also, what if it is not one’s will to seek one’s will. Not everyone is meant to be a magician, hermit, or priest.
    • How should the Baker and the Banker act?
  • Crowley penned three documents which are helpful in this regard.
    • Liber OZ sub figura LXXVII
    • Liber Libræ sub figura XXX
    • And an essay titled “Duty”
    • These documents form a basis for a Thelemic Society
Liber OZ sub figura LXXVII was written by Crowley to explain the “Rights of Man” in simple words of one syllable.
  • It should be born in mind that this was written back when Man was still commonly used to refer to all humans of both sexes
  • I’ve actually had some morons try to tell me that they didn’t apply to women (usually feminists)
Liber OZ is divided into 5 sections
  1. Moral
  2. Bodily
  3. Mental
  4. Sexual
  5. And the right to Resist Tyranny
The title contains the mark of the beast in the seven pointed star (associated with Babalon) & several quotes from Liber AL.
  • The symbolism of the graphic is rather obvious and outside the scope of this video. 
  • Also, the I will also set aside discussion of the verses. 
    • I’ll include a link to the commentary of Liber AL for those interested.
So let us move on to the enumerated Rights. They are pretty straightforward, so comment will be minimal.
  • 1) Man has the right to live by his own law—to live in the way that he wills to do: to work as he will: to play as he will: to rest as he will: to die when and how he will.
  • 2) Man has the right to eat what he will: to drink what he will: to dwell where he will: to move as he will on the face of the earth.
  • 3) Man has the right to think what he will: to speak what he will: to write what he will: to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will: to dress as he will.
  • These first three points pretty much cover all the basics for the life of a true Anarch or Autarch. Note that this is specific to the individual. No one else has to like it. And except for the last two items of section two, no one else is necessarily involved. If I choose to dwell in another persons house, or choose to move through another persons property, this may cause conflict. We will deal with that in section five.
  • 4) Man has the right to love as he will:—“take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where, and with whom ye will.” —AL. I. 51
  • This often involves another person. As indicated, will tends to have a special meaning in Thelema (which itself is a word indicating Will). 
  • I will quote a small portion of Crowley’s commentary on this verse: “But he should not injure himself and his right aforesaid; acts invasive of another individual's equal rights are implicitly self-aggressions. A thief can hardly complain on theoretical grounds if he is himself robbed. Such acts as rape, and the assault or seduction of infants, may therefore be justly regarded as offences against the Law of Liberty, and repressed in the interests of that Law.” (New Comment)
  • I recommend reading the whole thing.
  • 5) Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.
  • This is the most controversial of our rights. This is where the Will is so important. Is what you are trying to do important enough to kill? If I deem it is my will to dwell in your house, and you seek to stop me, then by section five, I have the right to kill you. However, in section one, you have the right to die when and how you will. Thus, you have the right to kill me. It can get complicated. Crowley added some more considerations in “Duty”. 
  • However, we can also look at this as a form of the “Mandate of Heaven” (ala Confucius). The fact of there being a conflict is indicative of having lost the “Mandate of Heaven”, or, in Thelema, of one party not being in accord with their Will.
  • This can easily go down a Theological rabbit hole, so suffice to say, no one wants to live where we are in constant danger of being killed, so this should probably be viewed as something to be reserved for an extreme case.
Liber Libræ sub figura XXX is an official instruction of the A.’.A.’.
  • As such, it has a much more spiritual and occult tone.
  • I will skip over much of it and only point out parts that would be of use to the layman
  • The full text can be found in the link provided in the comments.
The title gives an indication of the tone of the work.
  • Libræ refers to the astrological sign of Libra, the Scales
  • XXX is the number for the Hebrew letter Lamed, which refers to an “Ox Goad”
    • The Goad is used to keep the beast moving in the proper direction, that is to guide it in the proper direction
    • Lamed is also attributed, in the Hermetic Qabalah, to Libra
  • Thus the book (Liber means “book”) is meant to guide the aspirant in the proper path, that of balance.
  • Liber Libræ is also referred to as “The Book of Balance”.
So, some of the relevant portions
  • 0. Learn first — Oh thou who aspirest unto our ancient Order! — that Equilibrium is the basis of the Work. If thou thyself hast not a sure foundation, whereon wilt thou stand to direct the forces of Nature?
  • 5. Yet, oh aspirant, let thy victories bring thee not Vanity, for with increase of Knowledge should come increase of Wisdom. He who knoweth little, thinketh he knoweth much; but he who knoweth much hath learned his own ignorance. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool, than of him.
  • 6. Be not hasty to condemn others; how knowest thou that in their place, thou couldest have resisted the temptation? And even were it so, why shouldst thou despise one who is weaker than thyself?
  • 9. A man is what he maketh himself within the limits fixed by his inherited destiny; he is a part of mankind; his actions affect not only what he calleth himself, but also the whole universe.
  • 10. Worship and neglect not, the physical body which is thy temporary connection with the outer and material world. Therefore let thy mental Equilibrium be above disturbance by material events; strengthen and control the animal passions, discipline the emotions and the reason, nourish the Higher Aspirations.
  • 11. Do good unto others for its own sake, not for reward, not for gratitude from them, not for sympathy. If thou art generous, thou wilt not long for thine ears to be tickled by expressions of gratitude.
  • 12. Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil. Act passionately; think rationally; be Thyself.
  • 15. Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect, and to that end sin not against thyself. The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices.
So, the target for this is for “newbies” — people who are joining the group. Just in case it isn’t obvious, these are people who are not yet aware (or fully aware) of their Will. This is a general instruction meant to guide people along the path to become Thelemites.
  • The general themes are toward restraint, to avoid false vanity, to respect and honor oneself, to do things for their own sake.
  • I want to bring special attention to items 12 & 15.
    • We can see these in modern politics. Calls for unbalanced mercy are routinely made in Identity Politics, Migration Policy, etc
    • Failure to practice unbalanced mercy are met with equally unbalanced severity, as can be seen by anti-fa, BAMN, etc
    • As an aside, the terms mercy and severity refer to the right and left pillars of the Hermetic Qabalah (I am unsure if they are also in the original Jewish Qabalah).
    • Thelema, being a Middle Path tradition (as is the original Buddhism), exhorts us to follow the Middle Pillar (aka Aaron’s Rod).
    • 15 makes an allusion to the unpardonable sin of Christianity (there is only one). Which is to sin against the Holy Spirit. As we are all gods, we are holy spirits, thus the only unpardonable sin is to sin against one’s self.
    • Obviously, any harm to ourselves cannot be forgiven, as that harms effects are everlasting, but we can overcome by ceasing to sin against ourselves.
    • The nature of this sin against ourselves? “Knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices”.
    • If only the entire world ran on that principle.
  • Again, this work is pretty straightforward, and I think most of my commentary would be redundant repetition of the obvious.
With this we have pretty much covered the individual. We will move into the final work, “Duty”.
The best I can find for dating “Duty” is circa 1921. The manuscript is not dated and it was not printed during his lifetime. However, it does show Crowley’s thoughts on how Thelema would be applied to a broader context.
While several unofficial versions appeared from 1978 through 1994, the OTO published an official version in 1998.
  • The linked version below is to the OTO website.
  • Duty is divided into four parts.
  • Part A covers one’s Duty to oneself. This holds a theme similar to the prior two works.
  • Part B covers one’s Duty to other individual men and women. These are:
    • To seek union/interaction with others for mutual development
    • To avoid interfering with another’s will
    • If two wills do come into conflict, to battle as brothers. Conflict of this type is a form of Dialectic.
    • To, if it is one’s Will, instruct others who ask or to instruct those who are about to infringe on one’s will.
    • To recognize the divinity in others, just as one recognizes it in oneself.
  • Part C covers one’s Duty to mankind.
    • This is to establish the law of Thelema.
    • This Law being a Law of Liberty, the aim of the legislature must be to secure the amplest freedom for each individual in the state, eschewing the presumptuous assumption that any given positive ideal is worthy to be obtained.
    • Crime is also viewed as interference with the Will of another.
    • And here is my guiding principle: “The rule is quite simple. He who violated any right declares magically that it does not exist; therefore it no longer does so, for him.
    • Those who kill declare that they have no right to live. Those who steal declare that they have no right to private property. Those who interfere with another’s Freedom of Speech declare that they have no right to speak.
  • Part D covers one’s Duty to all other beings and things.
    • This is summed up by applying the Law of Thelema to everything.
    • For those who want something a little more concrete, “It is a violation of the Law of Thelema to abuse the natural qualities of any animal or object by diverting it from its proper function, as determined by consideration of its history and structure.
    • Essentially, treat yourself and the world with respect.
    • Clear-cutting the forest violates the integrity of the forest and its biodiversity. Logging does not, so long as what is taken is necessary and sustainable. Coercive behavior towards your fellow man is unacceptable. Really, most of the sane aspects of conservative and liberal practical ideology are all predicated on this simple principle.
Duty delineates a Thelemic Society.
  • The purpose of a Thelemic Society is to enable its members to accomplish their wills
  • The individual is paramount.
  • However, the individual does not exist in isolation.
  • The individual belongs to a network of relations which, if properly established, serve to enhance and define the individual.
  • Since we define our universe via our perceptions, when we deny another some right, we are declaring its invalidity.
  • We cannot demand a right that we have declared invalid by virtue of denying it to another.
  • If you attempt to deny me a right, e.g. my right to physical integrity, you exclude yourself from my consideration of you on that right.
  • E.g. if you try to hit me, I can hit you back.
Alright, so what does all this mean? I’ll attempt to synthesize these works. This is my interpretation. I will undoubtedly integrate knowledge from other works, both Thelemic and non, into this. I will endeavor to attribute them all appropriately.
It is important to remember that Thelema is about the will. Its purpose is to assist you in manifesting your will. However, it may very well be that it is some people’s will to not explicitly know their will — and this is fine. Existence is pure joy, so as long as what you are doing is filling you with joy, we can infer that you are doing your will. Librae and Duty are geared toward people who have not yet attained knowledge of their will.
My key take-away for interpersonal relations is that you deny yourself any right that you deny to another. The murderer has no right to life. The Thief has no right to enjoy the fruits of their labor — especially property. The person who would remove another’s right to speak has no right to free speech. It is actually very simple. I know I have been harping on this theme, but it is something that I believe in passionately.
Now, what about OZ? What about those who have come to understand their own wills. This is a common enough concept, rife throughout religion and philosophy. The Stoic Sage, the Taoist Sage, the Confucian Superior Man, the Christian “Saved” (at least in some conceptions), and (I would argue) Nietzsche’s Ubermensch exist in an exalted state where the common rules do not apply. They are not, however, free from physics or its spiritual equivalent. OZ specifically exists for these people, and it can be summed up as “You have the right to do your will and destroy those who would prevent it”.
Now, it may be your will to travel a path that will result in conflict. That does not mean that it is your will to win that conflict. Your will may be to conflict with another will and from that dialectical conflict, a proper path will emerge. Crowley does advise caution. He tells us that, while it may be our will to descend a cliff, it may not be our will to do so by stepping over the edge and plummeting to our death.
Many of these topics are elaborated in Magick Without Tears, a work Crowley completed just prior to his death.
  • It generally represents his final thoughts on a topic
  • In some cases, this represents a contradiction of earlier positions
  • A classic example argued in Thelemic Circles is whether Thelema is a religion.
    • To sum up, our system is a religion just so far as a religion means an enthusiastic putting-together of a series of doctrines, no one of which must in any way clash with Science or Magick.
    • Call it a new religion, then, if it so please your Gracious Majesty; but I confess that I fail to see what you will have gained by so doing, and I feel bound to add that you might easily cause a great deal of misunderstanding, and work a rather stupid kind of mischief.
    • The word does not occur in The Book of the Law.
    • MWT: XXXI: Religion–Is Thelema a "New Religion"?
So, yeah, I hope this was informativeTruth is found in the rubble of falsehood
Love is the law, love under will.

20 August 2017

Free Speech, Charlottesville, Antifa, Trump (+ Update) (Grab Bag #2) [Video Script]

Well, it looks like the planned video is taking longer than I thought.
  • It is a look at ethics and rights within the Thelemic system
  • It will focus on OZ, Libræ, and Duty
  • I may need to break it up into multiple parts.
This is a little semi-ranty video on
  • Free Speech
  • Charlottesville
  • Trump’s speech on Charlottesville
  • I also pour some hate on antifa
First an update
  • The actual Navy stuff I am in Japan to do will be starting tomorrow.
  • This will undoubtedly impact my free time.
  • Yesterday, Saturday, I went to Yokohama to try and find some CDs
    • Musashi (六三四): Japanese progressive/folk metal band
    • Fushitsusha (不失者): Experimental Japanese rock band
    • Zeni Geva (ゼニゲバ): prog-rock, hardcore, heavy metal and noise-rock
    • Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國): Heavy/Goth/Symphonic Metal + EBM, darkwave, neoclassical, ethereal + Goth
  • Finding a CD for my son, who wanted something called “Bump of Chicken” was pretty straight forward.
  • Three separate shops and I only found the Yōsei Teikoku
    • However, I did find an interesting CD with the Crass logo on it. Guso Drop (偶想Drop)
    • I snagged it because I wanted to see what they were doing to my precious childhood memories.
    • I also found a first pressing CD of Current 93’s Dawn. I wonder if it has the original version of Great Black Time.
    • The original made extensive use of a sample from Barry McGuire’s Eve of Destruction.
    • This was removed in subsequent releases, I assume for copyright reasons.
    • Then there are two Japanese psychedelic rock albums: Acid Mother’s Temple & Subvert Blaze
    • Finally, a Japanese Metal Album (it was under Death Metal): Onmyo-za (陰陽座)
  • While looking up the links for these artists, I discovered that Zeni Geva has a Bandcamp. Of course it only has one album on it.
  • Also, I’ve changed my Ending song. Despite it being “Free Music” under the Creative Commons, it kept getting flagged.
    • Sometimes they would release the claim after I submitted the proof, but sometimes not.
    • I am way to lazy to repeat the same actions over and over.
    • So, While I liked Ami Deng’s “A Strange Community”, I am tired of dealing with the hassle of using it.
Anyway, now that I’ve established my music nerd bonafides, Let us move on.
There has been a lot of talk about what is and what isn’t free speech.
  • This is bullshit.
  • People trying to limit anyone else’s ability to speak is against free speech.
  • Those who say we should not tolerate intolerance are stupid.
  • You are being intolerant. You aren’t protecting society, you are just a coward.
  • The people censoring Nazis are less than Nazis.
  • They are hypocrites afraid to admit their own little authoritarian urges
  • The little black Hitlers and Stalins infesting their hearts.
This is one of the few absolutes. Either you support free speech, no matter what is being said, or you do not. There is no middle ground.
That being said, I am already tired of Charlottesville.
However, one of the interesting tidbits was how one of the antifa (or whatever) protesters described the accident
  • He specifically stated that the car slowed down than accelerated into the crowd.
  • Then there are the reports after the guy’s initial capture about it possibly not having been on purpose.
  • Add to this the reports, with suggestive video evidence, that the guys car had been hit with a bat.
    • Suggestive because the actual strike is not shown. The camera dips right before the cracking sound.
  • This would support a narrative that the guy slowed down for the protesters
    • Then his car was hit by antifa and he freaked trying to escape.
    • This reaction on his part makes sense given the events of the day and the history of antifa
  • Not that I am saying that this is what happened, but it is important to keep an open mind.
This is where I put in the obligatory “I am not a racist” disclaimer.
  • Trust me. I view racism as pure laziness. If I hate you, it is because of you, not your race, sex, or gender.
  • I agree with Evola’s distaste for concepts of racial purity. An arbitrary line was drawn and all mixing after that point is deemed “bad”. That is just dumb
  • I also agree with Evola’s concept that the idea is the true Fatherland. Those who share in the idea are the citizens of my state.
    • Trust me, most white people don’t make it either.
I am also going to point out that Antifa (and their related ilk) are some of the worst examples of troglodytes masquerading as humans on this planet.
  • They are worthless for anything but bashing heads
  • Even then, they have a distressing tendency to bash the wrong heads
  • They are the Marxist Lumpen-proletariat: 
    • identifies the class of outcast, degenerated and submerged elements that make up a section of the population of industrial centers" which include "beggars, prostitutes, gangsters, racketeers, swindlers, petty criminals, tramps, chronic unemployed or unemployables, persons who have been cast out by industry, and all sorts of declassed, degraded or degenerated elements."
  • Stalin eventually had to purge them because they were too worthless for the communist society they thought they wanted
    • Not being suitable for work, they could not contribute to the state
    • Being prone to degeneracy and violence, they were a disruption to an ordered society
    • One of the few things I agree with Communism about is that the antifa need to be rounded up and shot.
Anyway, I want to say that I was truly shocked by Trump’s clear and nuanced speech regarding the violence. While it was amusing to hear “alt-Left” rather than Antifa, I do suppose it is more inclusive.
Also, the article criticizing the use of the term “Alt-Left” is bullshit. The ADL guy says it is inorganic, then goes on to specify its organic use and development.
Are people really so stupid that they cannot see this for what it is: obfuscation, lies, and propaganda?
So yeah, I hope this can tide you over until I finish working on the Thelemic Rights and Ethics script.
  • Free Speech, you either support it or you don’t
  • Don’t pretend you are censoring others to preserve our freedoms.
  • You aren’t.
  • Antifa are, and always have been, worthless cowards.
  • It is almost worth having Communism imposed just so these (so-called) “people” would be rounded up and shot.
Truth is found in the rubble of falsehood

Sources, Citations & Notes
Bands referenced:Musashi (六三四)
Fushitsusha (不失者)
Zeni Geva (ゼニゲバ)
Zeni Geva Bandcamp
Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國)
Bump of Chicken
Crass (best Punk Band ever)
Guso Drop (偶想Drop)
Current 93
Acid Mothers Temple
Subvert Blaze
Onmyo-za (陰陽座)

Antifa: Who Does Antifa Actually Attack?
Trump’s Speech
Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language

Attributions:Music is from the Free Music Archive.Borrowed without their knowledge for non-commercial purposes.There opinions are their own and the use of their music should not be taken as agreeing with my positions or even as awareness that I even exist.

Opening:Kai Engel
Chant Of Night Blades
Deathless: The Renaissance

The Charon