Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
I recently read an interesting article titled
- The Theosophical Imagination by Wouter Hanegraaff, a scholar of the occult. When I say scholar, I mean he is a professor focusing on the topic, not some hack with a degree writing his personal paradigm. He is a professor of History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents at the University of Amsterdam.
- This led to the need to read two other works:
- Manual of psychometry : the dawn of a new civilization by Joseph R. Buchanan
- The Soul of Things, Or, Psychometric Researches and Discoveries by William Denton and Elizabeth M. Foote Denton
I will admit I laughed at the Antifa getting hit by a truck. I did watch carefully to make sure it wasn’t my oldest child.
- Sadly, he seems to have fallen for the antifa bull
I meant to comment earlier, but I couldn’t work up a whole video on the topic. You may recall that a while ago a call went out in the occult community for a magic spell to be cast to inhibit Donald Trump. It was a crappily crafted spell, which I recall pointing out to the person who posted it to Medium. Further, they didn’t seem to realize that it was pure black magic. Black as in Evil. This is by the common definition, not the more nuanced and rarefied Thelemic context, but in the garden-variety white light and fuzzy bunny neopagan sense.
- Black magick (in the colloquial sense) is coercive magick, that which robs the person of volition or will.
- The NY Times has an article on the (apparent) resurgence of witchcraft, which discusses how the person featured held three sessions to hex Trump.
- Sadly, it is also reflective of the degradation that spirituality is undergoing whereby it is suborned to the political.
- Essentially, it is an opiate for the powerless to feel like they have power
- They adopt the atheistic worldview, so they view the political as the spiritual
- They don’t clearly articulate the goals so they can redefine the criteria for success
- They cast a spell for his destruction and count something like Moore’s defeat as a victory
- Stupid amateurs
- There is a similar problem with conflating Psychology and Spirituality
- Once a Democrat is back in power, the majority of new adherents to the occult will flitter away
I should probably mention my online presence.
- I am not on Facebook. I deleted my account a year ago and have found myself happier and with more free time to accomplish my goals.
- I am on Twitter, but I don’t follow it much. I do get emails when I am mentioned et al.
- I am on Gab. I check it more than Twitter, but not much more.
- I have a Minds profile, which I check in the morning before work and in the evening after work.
- I post transcripts for my videos and some other content at Blogspot
- Both Blogspot and Google+ are tied to my YouTube.
- I have accounts on SoundCloud and DeviantArt, but those are just to follow artists I like.
Openshot is working wonderfully for me.
- I actually enjoy making the videos.
- Things that frustrated me in other software are very easy.
- You may have noticed some softening of edges and the inclusion of samples from other videos.
- Most of the last Music video was my making sure that the text stills giving information on Lilith were present long enough to be read
- If they still flash by too quickly, let me know.
- Slicing scenes, adjusting timing and the like are incredibly easy.
- There are still some things I need to figure out, but working full-time and being a single father, I am rather pleased with my progress.
Buzzfeed put out an article on de Benoist. It is slanted as hell, but I so seldom see articles on him that I still want everyone to read it.
I really enjoyed TL;DR’s video on the Great Mouse Utopia. I was pointed to it by Crocoduck.
- While one should avoid the trap of confirmation bias and read too many parallels between the experiment and human society
- I was struck with the parallels between Modern Western Society and the Great Mouse Utiopia
- While the damaging effects of Utopia have been examined (albeit superficially) in various films, it is really brought home how the necessity for a fulfilling life necessitates some form of overcoming.
- The increasing alienation, unhappiness, narcissism, and violence we see in our society seems to be a reflection of the behavior seen in the Great Mouse Utopia
- Plus, as with the term “Monkeysphere”, I just like saying “Great Mouse Utopia”.
- I was also reminded of Fear’s song “Let’s Have a War”
I was going to make another video using Oingo Boingo’s “Violent Love” and a montage of angry feminists, but
- I’ve already used an Oingo Boingo song recently,
- And an Image search for “Angry Feminist” pulled up an inordinate amount of images of “Big Red”, and I felt it would slide from humor to bullying
- Plus, I really have no sexual desire for any of these women, so I didn’t want to get their hopes up…
My next video, probably tomorrow, will be “What is Religion?”
If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe.
Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will
Readings, Occult Action Against Trump, Online Presence, OpenShot Praise, Buzzfeed on de Benoist, The Great Mouse Utopia.
Montage: Selections of art from the Blog “70s Sci Fi Art”. Scenes from the film Wizards, as well as art works by Richard Powers and Frank Kelly Freas. (c) Copyrights belong to the respective copyright holders.
The Theosophical Imagination by Wouter Hanegraaff
Wouter Hanegraaff (Wikipedia entry)
Manual of psychometry : the dawn of a new civilization by Joseph R. Buchanan
The Soul of Things, Or, Psychometric Researches and Discoveries by William Denton and Elizabeth M. Foote Denton
Pro-Communist Antifa protester wiped out by truck at ‘March for Jesus’ in Portland
Season of the Witch
Music: Foetus - Lilith
They Wanted To Be A Better Class Of White Nationalists. They Claimed This Man As Their Father. (de Benoist)
Crocoduck: Why I Champion the Open Society
TL;DR - What Was the Mouse Utopia?
Fear - Let’s Have a War
Oingo Boingo - Violent Love
Richard M. Powers
Frank Kelly Freas
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