Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
This video will compare and contrast the “alt-Left” and the “alt-Right” from a practical viewpoint.
By alt-left, I am lumping (perhaps unfairly) the SJWs, Anti-fa, and similar radical, leftists groups with communistic or neo-Marxist ideologies.
By alt-right, I am referring to the loose coalition of white nationalists, white supremacists, white separatists, neo-nazis, and similar groups.
I apologize for the delay. I had one script that I just didn’t feel was any good once I completed it, then I had a couple of bouts of illness. Then I kept revising this as new things popped onto my radar. Then I realized that it would never end. Then, but really these excuses are all somewhat lame. I will try to do better in the future.
I am currently re-reading The Equinox.- I finished Volume I, issues 1 and 2.
- I admit to skipping the stuff on drugs, the fiction, and to glossing over the poetry.
- While I enjoy the poetry, I’ve read most of it several times already.
- Even though I have read the Libers multiple times, I am not glossing over those.
- Everyone should reread these periodically.
I am also preparing to systematically read the Complete Works of Plato.
- I’ve read some works, but in a more disjointed manner
- The Cooper edition was highly regarded, so I grabbed it.
- I plan on doing the same with Aristotle once I finish Plato.
I also grabbed the enhanced edition of Neverwinter Nights and spent most of Saturday playing it.
- However, it was a beta and I broke it, there is much sadness.
SJWs. the Alt-Right & Setting Priorities
For the sake of convenience, let’s create a continuum with the extremes on each side.
Again, for the sake of convenience, we will label one “alt-right” and lump into it the alt-right, fascists, white nationalists, nazis, etc.
On the other end we will put the label “alt-left” and place anti-fa, other ethnic nationalists, marxists such as BAMN, etc.
Let us fill the continuum with the fellow travelers, those sympathetic to each pole, but who refrain from overt activism.
I should point out that the activism doesn’t have to be violent, after all, most of the alt-righter’s do not descend to the violence of Nazi Skinheads or some such.
Where should you put yourself on the continuum?
Before answering that, I should present my own position. I get called a nazi by leftists and a commie by the right. To paraphrase the good Baron,
“In as much as the alt-right agrees with my position, I am, only to that degree, alt-right”.
Conversely, “In as much as the alt-left agrees with my position, I am, only to that degree, alt-left”.
My third son introduced me to a nice post-apocalyptic series by S.M.Stirling called “The Change”. I won’t give you a rundown of the series (link below), but an oft repeated refrain in the series is that “When a person comes to your land with a weapon & tries to inflict harm, they should not be surprised to lose their own life”.
In gauging the relative risks posed by each group, we need to consider both size and traction. While it seems to be true that the “right” is gaining in strength, it is also a fact that the “left” has dominated the Western world since the end of World War II, gaining a virtual hegemony in the 60s-70s. For a half century or more, the center has been steadily moving left. Antifa protests in the US gather numbers that seem to be in the hundreds, if not the thousands. The only numbers I can find for the alt-right indicates that they seem to be numbered in the tens, with Charlottesville actually gathering a couple hundred. If anyone has better numbers, please let me know.
So size-wise, it seems that the “alt-left” is far more numerous than the “alt-right”. What about traction? Whose ideas are presented sympathetically? Whose acts of violence are ignored or downplayed, and whose are fabricated or exaggerated? How does the media, or society in general, assuming there is a practical difference, present ten or so people of various ethnic heritages standing in a pagoda and calling for “Freedom of Speech”? How does it present the hundreds of black clad antifa and their fellow travelers surrounding them and trying to drown them out? I think it safe to say that, by any objective measure, the “alt-left” has far more traction in the US, and likely in Western Europe as well.
Now, for the sake of this argument let us just assume that both are violent and seek to rid the world of those who oppose them. The alt-left’s statement that “Liberals get the bullet, too” and the older neo-nazi slogan of “When you are swinging from a rope it doesn’t matter if you swing to the left or the right” convey the same attitude of ideological purity and democide.
Ask yourself which is the more immediate threat, the murderer in your house or the lynch mob on the other side of town? Modern society seems to have a real problem with false equivalence and prioritizing. It seems obvious to me that one must first deal with the murderer attempting to kill you who is right before you, rather than ignoring them because there is a lynch mob on the other side of town. Once threat ‘A’ is dealt with, you can deal with threat ‘B’.
Being as I subscribe to neither of the ideological positions typified by these poles of “alt-left” and “alt-right”, it would be safe to assume that I am on the “list” for both groups, when & if they are able to pursue democide in their crusade for ideological purity.
I would then have to ask, which list would I be on, the first list or the second list. If I were in a room with an antifa and a neo-nazi and they were aware of my lack of support for their cause, which would be more likely to kill me? Which one views me and my children as an affront to their cause? Given that the assault rate on bystanders for the alt-left is far higher than that of the alt-right, it is safe to assume that I am in more danger from the alt-left than the alt-right.
Admittedly, I am not a black man with a white girlfriend, so each must make this decision for themselves. Just make sure that what you give up, what you sacrifice, is worth what you receive.
"The Idea and only the Idea can be the true Fatherland for them. Not the fact that they are of the same nationality, that they speak the same language, and that they are of the same blood, but the fact that they belong to the same idea, should be the deciding factor that unites or divides them." - Julius Evola
And wouldn’t you know, the NY Times just released an articles glorifying anti-fa. Amusing.
Another YouTuber, Matt Christiansen, released an interesting video on this topic, “Antifa Professor” Speaks at Berkeley, But Why Didn’t the Fascists Shut Him Down?
Thank you for listening to my thoughts on this matter. I should clarify that I am not calling for anyone to support either the alt-left or alt-right. This is meant as an aid to prioritize which group to oppose. As a Thelemite, I oppose all forms of collectivism, and, yes, I am aware of the irony of using a collective label for an individualistic system.
Evidently, one should exhort the listener to like and subscribe. I am bad at this, since I think it is self evident. So, if you liked this video, or any of my other videos, please click on the like button (which I assume does something besides giving me the warm fuzzies) and subscribe so you know when I post new content.
Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will
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