23 December 2017

VLOG (171223) - OpenShot, Audacity, Toxic Masculinity [Script]

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Welcome to my first standalone video blog. I used to embed these into my content, but I think that Zarathrustra’s Serpent made a good point about keeping the video focused on the topic. I’ll try and keep all of these disparate elements separate and post them in a semi-regular video blog post. So…

  • I have switched my video editing software. I Was using Lightworks, which is an undeniably powerful program, but I found it less than intuitive.
    • I work full time and am a single parent, I don’t have time to fight with the software.
    • I am now using Openshot. It has the added benefit of being an open-source project
    • While I use Windows 10, I am also a fan of Linux (Currently running the latest Ubuntu)
    • Stallman was one of the few Commies who did good, imo.
    • You may have noticed the prior video was very simple as I am still learning the software
      • This one will probably be simple as well, but I hope to gradually add elements and complexity
      • For the first time, as I was putting together the video from its pieces, I did not feel frustrated and at war with my video editor.
  • Now my main concern is learning how to use Audacity
    • I’ve watched some tutorials and I think the sound is better now.
    • The sequence of steps involves abusing the hell out of the effects menu.
      • Get the noise profile off of the first few seconds of silence & apply it to the whole clip
      • Run the compressor effect. I use a setting of -12, though you may need to set it higher or lower.
      • From the Equalizer, give it a bass boost, then a treble boost.
      • I found it necessary to redo the noise reduction at this point.
      • Set a limiter, settings of hard limiter from -2 to -5. I use -2.
      • Finally run normalize.
    • Let me know if it sounds better. My last video was done with this sequence.
    • It makes me think of make-up, a lot of work for that natural feel.
  • On the reading front, I took a break with some mind candy.
    • I am currently reading Barb Hendee’s Mist-Torn series, but I am kind of stuck on the third book.
    • I also plan on re-reading Liber ABA part I (the yoga and meditation portion of Magick)

For some reason, I’ve been seeing a lot of videos on Toxic Masculinity
  • A Common theme has been the ideal of men repressing their emotions.
  • This is in error. Men who show no emotions are not respected. They are actually feared as being broken.
  • Men are expected to be in control of their emotions, to not let their emotions get the better of them.
  • The reasons for this are many, but the primary beneficiary of this is women.
  • Men control their emotions so they can provide support for women.
  • The classic and stereotypical image of the hero holding & supporting the sobbing heroine captures this
  • Being stoic allows the woman to reach catharsis by getting it out of their system.
I’ve started watching both Tim Pool and Styxhexenhammer666
  • I’ve found that I don’t really like “cringe”
  • Most of the reaction videos are little better than “You’re dumb (hehehe)”, so I don’t enjoy most of those.
  • Tim Pool tends to be more topical than I normally like, but he does it well and the videos tend to clock in at around 15m
  • Styxhexenhammer666 seems to have a focus similar to my channel’s, but he is way more prolific. He also seems to have let the Socio-political and Topical content dominate over the occulture. We will see.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

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