21 December 2017

A seasonal prayer and ancient drama

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

About a decade and a half ago, I got into a spot of trouble for a seasonal prayer. I had posted it to a Thelemic Community Forum under a title like “Sol Invictus Benediction”. This being the solstice, I thought I would share it with you.

First we begin with the 

For The Fatherland, cradle of civilization.
For the ancestors and their indomitable spirit
For the elders from whom we can learn much.
For our youth who represent the promise for tomorrow.
For our people, the original people.
For our struggle and in remembrance of those who have struggled on our behalf.
For Gott the principle of unity which should guide us in all that we do.
For the creator who provides all things great and small.

An Aside: “Gott” is German for “God” and has been chosen to symbolize the principle of striving for & maintaining unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

To this we add:

The Seven Principles:

  1. Unity - to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
  2. Self-Determination - to define ourselves, name ourselves, create ourselves, and speak for ourselves.
  3. Collective Work and Responsibility - to build and maintain our community together and make fellow European-American's problems our problems and to solve them together.
  4. Cooperative Economics - to build and maintain European-American stores, shops and other businesses together.
  5. Purpose - to make our collective vocation the building of our European-American community to restore our traditional greatness.
  6. Creativity - making the world around us clean and beautiful and better than we inherited it.
  7. Faith - to believe in ourselves, our family, our communities and our leaders and to believe the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Now, before telling you the inspiration for this little piece, I will share what I recall of the drama.

I wrote it up and shared it to a Thelemic Community Forum. Initial reaction was slightly positive, with one girl saying how great it was. Then someone questioned some of the word choices. Then it was branded as racist. The girl who had waxed poetic quickly back-pedaled and condemned it.

This condemnation did not change when I revealed that it was the Kwanzaa dedication and their seven principles with only three changes.

  1. I changed the word Motherland to Fatherland
  2. I replaced the phrase “African-American” with “European-American”, and
  3. I changed the African word “Umoja” to “Gott” while defining it in exactly the same way.

In fairness, the version I found at 123holiday.net does not use any racial language. Though the phrases can still be read in such a manner.

To be honest, I knew that I would get this reaction. Racist behavior is only deemed racist if a white person is doing it. Innocuous behavior is viewed as being racist if a white person does it.

When I first started publishing this kind of thing, I would take Christian screeds against pagans and invert the language. Mostly reversing the two phrases. The key was to keep as much intact as possible. The goal was to show hypocrisy. These works were applauded. Showing the “others” hypocrisy is always applauded. However, when I broadened the scope to include other sacred cows, the applause slowed. When I hit their sacred cows, they got out the pitchforks.

As it is said in Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

May the Blessings of Gott be upon you this Season.

And remember, if you're at a social function and a benediction is said and the God invoked is not your own, it's a good idea to mutter, roll your eyes, and smirk, so your God will know that you're not taken in by some false God.

Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will

Citations and Notes
Kwanzaa Dedication
Kwanzaa Principles

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Kai Engel
Chant Of Night Blades
Deathless: The Renaissance

The Hellbound Heart
Hellraiser Themes [CD]

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