Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
This video will include two chapters of Maria de Naglowska’s Initiatic Eroticism.
- This book is a compilation of articles by de Naglowska from her paper “La Fleche” (The Arrow)
- I found her because she is said to be a source for Evola
- She also translated Randolph’s Sexual Magic.
- The only version of this work is from her translation
- According to Donald Traxler, the translator of her works, She added significantly to that work.
- Randolph is said to be one of the sources for Thelemic Sexual Magick.
- I have been reading Eulis! But it is hard going.
- When I read his statements of “I am a doctor” combined with he assertions that abortion is unnecessary because the woman can push out the zygote by biting her thumb and blowing, it causes me to lack confidence…
- Rather than reading it with an eye out for the false, I am now reading in hopes of gleaning something worthwhile.
- The first article will be from Page 139, titled “Open Letter to Pius XI”
- The second will be from Page 146, titled “Initiatic Eroticism”
- Overall, I found the book interesting and well worth my while, despite its overt religious and mystical slant.
So, a quick Video Log update and then on to the meat of the video.
I Spent some time writing another grab bag, but I just wasn’t feeling it when I was done, so instead, I’ll just mention them here and link them below.
- First, there was the video “Why Do The Cult Of SJWs Hate Anti SJWs More Than Anyone [Super Collaboration Mirror]”
- Answers range, but I think that the primary reasons are ressentiment and the uncanny valley/cognitive dissonance
- The closer things are, the more likely we are to wonder if WE made a wrong turn in judgement
- Second, That Japanese Man Yuta has a channel where he goes out and interviews Japanese people on the street.
- The first video I want to highlight is “What Japanese Think of Feminism”
- Next would be the more recent “Do Japanese Want Multiculturalism in Japan?”
- Both are worthwhile, as are many other videos in his archive.
- Thirdly, I highly recommend Zarathrustra’s Serpent’s recent Video “Zarathrustra’s Whip”
- I think it summarizes quite clearly one of the points of intersection between Nietzsche and Thelema
- There is a reason why Nietzsche is esteemed as a prophet/forerunner of Thelema
- This helps explain why Nietzsche is in the list of Saints
- Fourth are some articles
- From the American Conservative, “Burning Man Staves Off Nihilism, If Only Temporarily”
- And from Medium, “Micro-Religions” which looks at current social movements critically.
And in recent news, yes, it IS OK to be white.
I don’t know why everyone hates albinos so much.
- Page 139, “Open Letter to Pius XI”
- Page 146, “Initiatic Eroticism”
So, I think it is quite apparent that de Naglowska was tapped into the early stirrings of the 93rd Current, another antecedent of Thelema. From this one work, I see strong correlations between Naglowska and Crowley. This may change as I read the other works, but for now I find it very compelling. I hope you enjoyed these excerpts.
Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will
Citations and references.
Why Do The Cult Of SJWs Hate Anti SJWs More Than Anyone [Super Collaboration Mirror]
What Japanese Think of Feminism (Interview)
Do Japanese Want Multiculturalism in Japan? (Interview)
Burning Man Staves Off Nihilism, If Only Temporarily
Zarathustra's Whip
Initiatic Eroticism and Other Occult Writings from La Fleche
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