This is just a grab bag of thoughts and ideas that I have neither the inclination nor time to flesh into stand alone videos.
- I may do more of these. I keep a list of topics and some just never gain the momentum to become full videos
- I’ll try to cull them periodically.
- I’ll comment on
- Charlottesville,
- The use of violence in protests,
- “Reverse Racism” and the “Prejudice+Power” equation
- Privilege
- And, Feelings over fact
- Still in Japan.
- It is overcast and rainy, so the temperature is tolerable.
- I am from Oregon, so I am content with rain and overcast skies.

- Went to Shinjuku yesterday and scored a Kannon statue
- If I priced it correctly on the web, I got it for a great price
- About ⅖ of the listed prices on line.
- Then again, it could be a cheap knock off and I was taken for a ride.
- This video will be on Vid.Me and YouTube.
- The script will be on Minds and Blogger.
Also, let me apologize for the background noise, the dehydrator/aircon is noisier than I would wish. I tried to remove it with Audacity, but a little remains.
Hard to be sympathetic toward hurt Antifa. According to a CNN article, dated August 13th, the deceased was part of the demonstration (not a random bystander as initially stated). I am not saying she deserved to die, nor am I saying I support the person who drove a car into a crowd of people.
However, the antifa tactics seem to have worked better than normal. A technique that I have seen in action since the 80s, and which I understand to derive from classic Marxist strategy (vis-a-vis the use of violence). Essentially, any protest has three sides. The “Marxists”, the Enemies of the “Marxists”, and the peaceful protesters. Typically, the “Marxists” position themselves so that the peaceful protesters are between them and the enemy. They will then provoke their enemy who will have to go through the peaceful protesters. This radicalizes them into the “Marxist” camp.
Antifa seems to have gotten complacent over the years. After decades of being able to attack whomever they want without repercussion, people have started fighting back. Sadly, it seems to have been escalated by one individual far beyond what antifa expected.
To summarize the timeline
- Antifa swarms against people suspected of wrongthink, like the nazi skinheads, they tended to attack in groups against individuals.
- Recently, the people being targeted have started using techniques to defend themselves (shields, squad tactics)
- Then, antifa seemed to also have shields (though they were more a mob than a squad)
- Then a guy drives a car into a massed horde of antifa
On another topic, there is no such thing as “Reverse Racism”, “Reverse Sexism”, etc. The use of “reverse” serves no other purpose than to legitimize bigotry. Just call it what it is.
Likewise, the formulation of Racism/Sexism = Prejudice + Power, in addition to being a way for various power brokers to maintain relevancy, also serves to dismiss, discredit, and justify bigotry. Further, it serves as a warning. In no way should we allow these people to have power. They have as much as admitted that the only difference between them and a Klan lynch-mob is the fact that they are powerless.
It is stupid to expect people to accept, or work toward, their own destruction. If you are working toward your own destruction, then you are stupid. Any “white” person eagerly looking forward to the extinction of the “white” race is stupid.
And on a related topic, can someone explain to me what is wrong with privilege? The basic framing is that privilege is somehow “bad”. What we call privilege is the summation of people working hard to provide their children with a better future. I hope and pray that I have managed to give my children greater privilege compared to what I had. They only know what spam tastes like because I’ve mad Hawaiian food. We always had money for Xmas. I have never “whipped” them for misbehavior. I tried to emphasize learning, questioning, and self-reliance.
Now, to inject a little “Social Darwinism” (as technique, rather than justification), our society values certain traits. Those who conform to those traits succeed. Those who have a longer history of modeling those traits have greater privilege. Those who came later would obviously have less privilege, since they have had less time to amass the cultural capital which becomes privilege.
If you don’t like the values promoted by a society, you would need to change them. This would necessitate figuring out what those values actually are (see my earlier video “On Reality”). The SJW crowd wants to change the system — which is fair, so do I — but fail to analyze the values and thus waste their time in moral outrage and contradictory impulses. I believe it was Delsol who commented on how modern man is terrified of certainty.
However, and this is another thing the SJWs miss, you aren’t eliminating privilege, you are merely replacing the method by which one gains privilege. It should go without saying that they are actually trying to impose a system by which they amass privilege.
I don’t mean to rail against the SJWs so much, but it is like they were created to exemplify everything I despise about modern society.
So, I just want to tell all of them, “Your feelings are shit.”
Every atrocity, whether it be the Inquisition, the genocidal and treacherous dealings with the Native Americans, the Reign of Terror, the Holocaust, the Stalinist Purges, the Maoist purges, the Cambodian Killing fields, etc, etc — all of these came from listening to feelings rather than facts.
Or are you going to argue that these things are actions based on cold, logical, and dispassionate facts?
Bigotry is based on feelings. All your cries to prioritize feelings over facts do is render you incapable of critical examination. You become more easily manipulated toward atrocity.
I repeat, “Your feelings are shit”.
So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this. One interesting tidbit, the Google stuff has made me look at all of the alternatives out there. I was worried I would have to become a goat-herding mystic living in a cave just to avoid the pernicious encroachment of our liberties.
I suppose the takeaways would be:
- Charlottesville sucks, but shouldn’t have been a surprise
- The regressives are right when they say “Reverse Racism” isn’t a thing, but for all the wrong reasons
- Prejudice + Power is the clearest argument against granting equal rights that could be promoted
- Privilege is inevitable
- Your feelings are shit.
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