03 August 2017

Analysis: To the Cis Person angrily sharing news of the Trump transgender military ban

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I have several streams of information.

  • Many are news from various political perspectives
  • Another is Medium, which is basically an unfiltered op-ed site.

For some reason, Medium decided that I would be interested in an article titled [IMG 1]

  • To the cis person angrily sharing news of the Trump transgender military ban
  • By Angela Dumlao
  • While I will provide the link below
  • Do not harass or otherwise attack this person
  • It won’t do any good
  • It will probably make things worse

The article starts out with

  • Hi. If you’re a cisgender person angrily sharing the news about Trump’s ban of transgender people in the military, consider the following.  
  • First off, note the audience. Why do the SJWs focus on other people rather than their own?
    • Seldom, if ever, do they try to improve their own group
    • Neither do they talk impartially about a topic and let the chips fall where they may
    • Rather they take a classic in-group/out-group position of moral rectitude and certainty
      • Everything my tribe does is good
      • From my position as good, I have the right to preach to you on how to correct your “evil”.
  • Second, note the assumptions of proper moral behavior
    • It is implied that the virtue signaling of outrage is proper
    • And that you should be (naturally ) outraged by the ban
  • Finally, note that whatever you are doing, it isn’t enough
    • This establishes the moral superiority of the writer’s in-group
    • It is also an indicator of the post-Christian orientation of the SJW ideology
      • The concept of original sin has been identified with being “cisgender”
      • As an aside, you’ll find that “sinner” has been replaced with “racist”, “sexist”, or “*-phobic”.
      • Christians classified everything they hated as “satanic influence”. The left categorizes it as mental illness.
  • That was a lot of unpacking for one sentence
    • It’s good to find that I can get some use from my Humanities degree.

  • This is not a future hypothetical in which we need to protect people who want to be in the military.  
  • Actually, unless something new has come out, it is a future hypothetical as no guidance or policy changes have actually been promulgated to the military.
  • Even so, The first sentence is backwards. The purpose of the military is to protect us. 
    • I get what they are saying, but it rubs me raw to imply that the military are weak, emotionally unstable people needing protection.
  • There are trans military serving as we speak. 
  • Yes there are. While it may be implemented in the same way that the homosexual ban was implemented during WWII, staffing problems will probably mitigate any mass discharges.
  • There are trans veterans waking up to this news.
  • This sentence is problematic. (heh)
  • Of trans veterans, this only affects (possibly) those currently serving.
  • I have seen nothing to indicate that their veteran status would be changed or denied.
Now that the author has set up the requisite fear mongering, we move on to the meat of the sermon. 
  • Are you framing your posts with a call to protect trans people? Similar to #ProtectTransKids — while this means well, it also infantilizes the trans community. Stand with trans people. Support trans people who have been fighting for their rights. See the difference?
  • Strangely enough, I actually agree with part of this. As I mentioned in my video on “Goose & Gander”, most SJW activity infantilizes their targets.
  • De Benoist discusses the over use of the term “right” in his excellent little book, Beyond Human Rights.
  • However, it should be pointed out that Military Service is not a right.
    • Military service is an obligation and responsibility, not a right. It is something you give, not something given to you.
  • What do you do to support trans people? 
  • Note the implication that you should be supporting trans people
  • Not that there is anything wrong with supporting trans people
  • But I find the call for an in-group to demand out-group support of their in-group to the possible detriment of those out-group members own in-groups to be kind of insular and stupid
  •  I don’t need answers, but I want you to think about whether you:
  • Actively use peoples’ pronouns both when they’re around and not around. Do you correct other cis people when they misgender someone? Use their deadname?
  • This actually touches on a pet peeve of mine. You do not have pronouns. The language has pronouns. They do not belong to you and demanding other people accommodate your whims is childish.
  • Thelema tells me I am a God, Should I demand everyone refer to me as “my Lord”?
  • Further, I neither know nor care about your gender. I can only recognize the biological sex that you present. If you look like a woman, I will call you her/she. If a man, he/him.
  • I gave up on the TOPY-inspired E-Prime genderless pronouns back in the early 90s.
  • Dead name is just stupid. Oh my god, I am using the name by which I know &/or are accustomed to using
  • Oh my god, I am using the name on your birth certificate &/or Identification card.
  • The horrors are nigh unimaginable.
  • Do you intake media by trans people? TV? Books? Articles? Art? Music?
  • How would I know? Believe it or not, I “intake” media because I like it, not for moral reasons
  • What a sad world where you cannot enjoy something until after you’ve done research to verify that it meets a moral litmus test
  • I can think of one, but generally, I don’t ask people since it isn’t normally relevant to my enjoyment of the media.
  • Do you laugh at jokes like Trump being made up with makeup? 
  • I haven’t seen that one, but I do admit to laughing at Hitler in make-up [IMG Pink Hitler]. 
  • There is the man, all dolled up like Christ.
  • Do you realize this is transphobic? 
  • I think you are doing violence to the language. A phobia is a fear. This is called humor. It relies on the juxtaposition of incongruous ideas & images.
  • This is not funny because trans people are funny, it is funny because we can imagine the discomfort that the person depicted, or those of their idolaters, would feel.
  • With the Hitler image, we are laughing at the outrage neo-nazi’s feel at Hitler being depicted in such a way.
  • It actually doesn’t have anything to do with trans people.
  • Do you perpetuate the idea that trans women are really men, even in the most innocent, subtle way?
  • What does the phrase “really men” even mean? Are you perpetuating the idea that there is only one way to be a man?
  • If you mean “Do they biologically express the condition which is most similar to the male role in our sexually dimorphic species”? Well then yes.
  • Not that I spend a lot of time with it. It only really matters if we are having sex (I need to know where to put it) or trying to make children.
  • [IMG Hitler & Stalin] Yeah, just try to unsee this one.

  • Do you know about the epidemic of trans women of color being murdered in the U.S. and beyond? Do you share these articles? Do you sad react them? Do you avoid them?
  • Nope to all of them.
  • However, I have google.
  • There were 15 killed (HRC Website) this year
  • 2016 statistics puts the number of (self-identifying) Transgendered persons at a little over 800,000.
  • The CDC reports that there are 5 homicides per 100,000 people.
  • For the save of expediency, lets just double the half-year rate to 30.
  • That would put the number of deaths at under 4 per 100,000
  • Your epidemic is below the national average.
  • Your epidemic is actually a statement about how non trans people are being killed more than trans people.
  • You’ll pardon me if I decline your call to rectify this imbalance.
  • Realized that I ran the original numbers for the entire trans community, but I reran the numbers for and they show the same thing.
  • Do you actively use your privilege as a cis person to make the world better for your trans siblings?
  • My only sibling is no more.
  • Sibling, brother, sister, these are all societal roles that incur an obligation on both parties.
  • If you’ve treated me as a brother and I have treated you as family, then I will use any so-called privilege to our benefit.
  • Sadly, I come from a prole background, so my privilege is lacking.
  • I hope I have given my children some privilege by virtue of my accomplishments
The rest of the article goes on to say “Trump Sucks” but you can be better than him. With some more rhetorical flourishes that have been addressed already.

This came about because people seemed to like me talking about the pro-pedophilia site more than they like me talking about the factors causing such things
  • I’ll try to include these from time to time

My son told me that the video about pro-pedophilia was more popular because of his keen sensibilities.

I told him to go back to his room and play with his waifu.

Anyway, this article was chosen as indicative
  • When we encounter this crap, you need to analyze it like this
  • You need to ask
    • Who benefits
    • Are they practicing what they preach?
    • Are their facts correct?
    • How are they trying to sway you?
    • Is there really anything more than whining and guilt-tripping?

Truth is found in the rubble of falsehood

Original Article:

De Benoist:


TOPY’s practice replaced all pronouns with “E” 




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