This is the text from which I created my YouTube video of the same name.
what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
to my inaugural video.
first topic is one that keeps floating onto my radar. We will cover
the topics of Sex, Gender, and the like. While I was preparing for
this, Laci Green began a discussion on this topic. I will link her
video in the description.
without further ado, there are many people screaming about gender and
sex online. In these discussions, we should remember that one should
not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity —
even when they are so stupid it hurts. However, I realize that
identifying the problem is not the same as explaining the problem, so
here are my thoughts. It should be noted that these thoughts are
based upon fact, or inferences derived from those same facts.
1. Colloquial
first thing we need to understand is the concept of “Colloquial
Speech”. Colloquial is defined in the dictionary as “used in
ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary”. To put
it simply, it is what non-experts think a technical term means.
Often, it refers to an incomplete or improper use of the term. The
modern or popular usage of a term is often colloquial. Sadly, these
lines can be blurred even by experts, especially when they import a
term across disciplines or fall victim to the impulse to let ideology
dictate science. With this in mind, let us move to the first term.
2. Sex
the state, not the act, refers to the male or female division of a
species, especially as differentiated with reference to the
reproductive function. What should be clear is that this is a
In humans, it refers to having either an XX or XY chromosome pair.
This cannot be changed. Perhaps in the future, genetic re-sequencing
of the human genome may be possible, but for now, that is the realm
of science fiction.
2.1. Intersex
of the biological reality of sex invariably brings up the topic of
intersexed individuals. Intersex refers to a rare condition where a
non-viable, from a reproductive point of view, chromosome expression
such as XYX or YY occurs. Experts seem to be in some disagreement
over what exactly counts as intersex, but even the most permissive
reckoning puts it at only 1.7%.
some may object to the term non-viable. Since this is biology, the
term only refers to their ability to pass on their genetic heritage —
i.e., to have children. It in no way refers to their worth or
relevance as a human being or member of society. There are plenty of
significant intersex people who are known for more than being
intersexed. You have access to google.
is another biological and unchangeable condition.
3. Gender
that we have clarified these biological terms and explained their
immutable character, one might wonder what all the confusion is
about. According to the dictionary, gender is “either the male or
female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social
and cultural roles and behaviors”.
they use the term “species”, I have to assume that they have
observed gender in non-human species. However, we will focus only on
human beings. This definition is obviously different from the
proceeding two. This is not a biological term. Its reference to
social and cultural roles make it obvious that this term is
sociological or anthropological in nature. It is the cultural
expectations and assumptions made toward one’s role in society
based on one’s biological sex.
are two genders, corresponding to the biological divisions. These
divisions are rather broad and include many roles, some of which may
even seem to be in opposition to the qualities of other roles.
3.1. Gender Roles
brings us to a term that seems to have fallen out of modern
discourse. Gender Roles are the specific duties of Men and Women
within a society. The roles for males include everything from effete
femme-boy to the epitome of iron-disciplined warriors. Those for
females can include delicate princesses to shield-maidens. This isn’t
to say that all roles are held in equal esteem. Societies naturally
favor those which increase the viability of the society. They also
vary in how they react to less common gender expressions (Christian,
Muslim, and Jewish views of homosexuality come to mind).
Gender Role is not a biological term.
3.2. Gender Dysphoria
to this is Gender Dysphoria, a psychological term used to describe
the dissonance created by one’s natural inclinations being at odds
with the gender expectations of a society. This is caused by both
biological and social factors. The degree can vary, but many cases
resolve themselves after puberty, possibly because they either find
or manufacture a gender role for themselves within society. Such was
my case.
is a final effort to ease the dysphoria for those who do not find a
resolution on their own. By transitioning, they mimic the other sex
so as to open that portfolio of gender roles. I would presume that
success in easing the dysphoria relates to how closely their
transitioned selves mimic the desired sex (thus causing others to
relate to them as that sex) and their own acceptance of their
transition. Then again, while conversant with psychology, gender
dysphoria is not my field of study.
4. Conclusion
conclusion, there is a significant distinction between sex and gender
which is lost in most conversations on this topic. Gender roles can
change within generations. However, since some gender roles are tied
to biological sex functions (e.g., Motherhood), some roles may only
be capable of slight modifications, rather than wholesale revision.
Sex, being biological, is immutable — at least until we can
directly modify the DNA of living beings in such a way that its
results are both controllable and immediate.
would also like to point out that I feel that modern “trans”
culture trivializes a serious condition by pretending that gender is
something that can be easily changed like a set of clothes.
modern gender discussions seem to posit that any gender role is a
unique gender. This seems to only complicate the matter rather than
offering a resolution.
to wrap up, I should point out that I am open to meaningful
criticism, rather thick skinned, and enjoy discussing ideas. Truth is
found in the rubble of falsehood.
is the law, Love under will.
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