12 March 2017

The Star Sapphire (Notes and Translations)

The Star Sapphire, Liber XXXVI, is the Thelemic Hexagram Ritual. It is interesting for a variety of reasons. First, it contains the proper order of the NOX signs: Puer, Vir, Puella, Mulier, and Mater Triumphans. Second, it has both a tantric and non-tantric interpretation. Finally, there is no stated elemental, planetary, nor astrological attribution. One can infer from the Tetragrammaton, the Tarot, or even the hexagram itself — however, to my knowledge, this is all conjectural. I suspect there may be no attributions other than that of Male-Female, Yang-Yin, and Lingam-Yoni. I see this ritual as ultimately an invocative or evocative rite, just as I saw the Star Ruby as primarily a banishing rite.

One does not call god names in the Star Sapphire. Instead we get the repeated paeans to the Unity. The hexagrams are drawn with variations of “X et Y Unus Deus” followed with “ARARITA”. ARARITA was explained in the earlier post on the Thelemic Hexagram Ritual. “Et” means “and”. “Unus Deus” means “One God”. Thus the formula is “X and Y are One God”. This is consonant with the meaning of ARARITA. The terms are Pater, Mater, Filius, and Filia. These are Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter.

After placing the Hexagrams, the practitioner is charged with “making the Rosy Cross as he may know how”. This is a tantric metaphor. For the non-tantric, people often make the Sign of ‘Orus (aka, Sign of Osiris Slain or Sign of the Cross). You then say “ARARITA” three times while making the Signs of Set Triumphant and of Baphomet (more tantra). The Sign of Set Triumphant is also known as Sign of the Joy of Iacchus or Sign of Typhon and Apophis. The Sign of Baphomet is better known as Mulier.

The rest of the instruction, prior to the Latin, pertains to the tantric performance of the ritual. The Latin translates as follows:
Omnia in Duos All in Two
Duo in Unum Two in One
Unus in Nihil One in Nothing
Haec nec Quatuor nec Omnia nec Duo nec Unus nec Nihil Sunt These are not Four nor All nor Two nor One nor Nothing

This is followed by another paragraph in Latin:
Gloria Patri et Matri et Filio et Filiae Glory be to the Father and Mother and Son and Daughter
et Spiritui Sancto externo et Spiritui Sancto interno and to the Holy Spirit without and within
ut erat est erit which was, is, and shall be
in saecula Saeculorum world without end
sex in uno per nomen Septem in uno Six in One through the names of the Seven in One
Ararita "One is His Beginning; One is His Individuality; His Permutation is One."

We close with the LVX signs.

The hexagram, both traditional and unicursal, have the planets arranged in sephirotic order. Starting at the top and moving clockwise (that is, doesil or to the right, for those unfamiliar with analog clocks) they are: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Luna, Mercury, and Mars. Sol resides in the center. For this, I use the unicursal hexagram and progress my starting point along the drawn lines of the hexagram.
Latin Translation Starting Point
Pater et Mater Unus Deus Father and Mother are One God Saturn
Mater et Filus Unus Deus Mother and Son are One God Venus
Filius et Filia Unus Deus Son and Daughter are One God Mars
Filia et Pater Unus Deus Daughter and Father are One God Luna

Finally, a Rood is a Crucifix. The Rosy Cross is the result of this rite.

Pentagram Rituals (Notes and Translations): Lesser, Greater, and Supreme

The bulk of the Pentagram Rituals are in English. Only the Qabalistic Cross and God names are in Hebrew. The Supreme variant adds Enochian. This Enochian is spoken while tracing the pentagrams, otherwise it is identical to the Greater Ritual.

The Thelemic variants do nothing more than add “Aiwass” to the Qabalistic Cross. Aiwass should be taken as representing the Holy Guardian Angel. As with the Thelemic Hexagram Ritual, the change is minor, but significant.

The text for the Greater and Lesser Rituals of the Pentagram can be found in Liber O. The Greater Ritual is performed by tracing the proper spirit pentagram prior to elemental pentagram. The active elements, Fire and Air, get the Active Spirit pentagram, and the passive elements, Water and Earth, get the Passive Spirit pentagram. E.g., trace Active Spirit pentagram, vibrate EHIH, trace Air pentagram, vibrate YHWH, proceed to next quarter. The Supreme ritual is done by vibrating the Enochian for each quarter while tracing the appropriate pentagrams. E.g. trace Active Spirit pentagram while vibrating EXARP, vibrate EHIH, trace Air pentagram while vibrating ORO IBAH AOZPI, vibrate YHWH, proceed to next quarter.

The original phrase for the Qabalistic Cross is “Ateh Malkuth Ve-Geburah Ve-Gedulah Le-Olahm, Amen” Which translates to “Unto thee, the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory to the ages, amen”. The Thelemic version, “Ateh Aiwass Malkuth Ve-Geburah Ve-Gedulah Le-Olahm, Amen” translates to “Unto thee, Aiwass, the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory to the ages, amen”. This changes the focus from the tribal desert totem of the early Hebrews to the personal Holy Guardian Angel.

The God names used in these rituals are: EHIH, AGLA, YHWH, ALHIM, EL, ADNI (not all are used in the lesser variant). These names of god mean (in order): I am, Atah Gibor Le-olam Adonai (Notariqon), Tetragrammaton, Gods/Goddesses, God, and My Lords. The Notariqon of “Atah Gibor Le-olam Adonai” translates to “You, O Lord, are mighty forever”. I should also note that in Thelemic parlance, Adonai is a title referring to the Holy Guardian Angel, so this could be "You, my Holy Guardian Angel, are mighty forever".

The Supreme variant uses Enochian. They will be given in order of use, with the Enochian followed by the translation. For Air, EXARP (”Air of Spirit”) and ORO IBAH AOZPI (”He who cries aloud in the place of desolation”). Fire is BITOM (”Fire of Spirit”) and OIP TEAA PDOCE (”He whose name is unchanged from what it was”). Next is Water with HCOMA (”Water of Spirit”) and MPH ARSL GAIOL (”He who is the 1st true creator,the horned one”). Finally, Earth is NANTA (”Earth of Spirit”) and MOR DIAL HCTGA (”He who burns up iniquity without equal”).

For reference, I am summarizing all of this into tables:

Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

Quarter / Planet (Element)
East / Sol (Air)
My Lord(s) / HGA
South / Mercury (Fire)
I am
West / Luna (Water)
You, O Lord / my HGA, are mighty forever
North / Venus (Earth)

Greater Ritual of the Pentagram

Quarter / Sign (Element)
I am
East & South / (Active Spirit)
You, O Lord / my HGA, are mighty forever
West & North / (Passive Spirit)
East / Aquarius (Air)
South / Leo (Fire)
West / Scorpio (Eagle, Water)
My Lord(s) / HGA
North / Taurus (Earth)

Enochian Additions to Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram

Quarter / Element
Air of Spirit
East / Air
He who cries aloud in the place of desolation
East / Air
Fire of Spirit
South / Fire
He whose name is unchanged from what it was
South / Fire
Water of Spirit
West / Water
He who is the 1st true creator, the horned one
West / Water
Earth of Spirit
North / Earth
He who burns up iniquity without equal
North / Earth

Thelemic Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram

I primarily use this in its banishing form. Further, I use the form published by David Cherubim, and recommended to me by Gerald del Campo, many years ago. I can no longer find the original online, so I will begin by posting this form of the ritual. As with the “Thelemic” variant of the Pentagram Rite, the changes are minor but hardly cosmetic. Following the text of the ritual will be David Cherubim’s commentary, then mine.
  1. Facing East, in the center, stand upright, with your feet together, left arm at side, right arm across body, holding the wand or other weapon upright in the median line. Then say:
  2. I. N. R. I.
    Yod. Nun. Resh. Yod.
    Virgo, Iacchus, Holy Father.
    Scorpio, Asi, Holy Mother.
    Sol, Orus, Holy Child.
    Iacchus, Asi, Orus,
  3. Extend your arms in the form of a Cross, and say: "The Sign of Orus."
  4. Raise your right arm to point upwards, keeping the elbow square, and lower your left arm to point downward, keeping the elbow square, while turning your head over your left shoulder looking down so that your eyes follow your left forearm, and say: "The Sign of the Dance of Asi."
  5. Raise your arms at an angle of sixty degrees to each other above your head, which is thrown back, and say: "The Sign of the Joy of Iacchus."
  6. Cross your arms on your breast, bow your head, and say: "The Sign of the Blazing Star."
  7. Extend your arms again as "L" and cross them again as in "X", saying: "L.V.X., Lux, the Light of the Cross."
  8. Advance to the East, and with the magical weapon trace the Hexagram, and vibrate: "ARARITA".
  9. Turn to the South and do the same.
  10. Turn to the North and do the same.
  11. Return to the East, completing the Circle, then repeat 1 through 7
Notes by David Cherubim
In the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn you did not start the Hexagram Ritual with the Analysis of the Key Word, but with the Qabalistic Cross. Aleister Crowley changed this to balance the ritual, for it pertains to the Hexagram, which is a symbol of Tiphareth, the Sephira of Balance. Unless you feel inclined to do otherwise, I suggest that you always use the Analysis of the Key Word and never the Qabalistic Cross in the Hexagram Ritual. For as it is written, "Equilibrium is the basis of the Great Work."

The Signs used in the Hexagram Ritual are connected with the four Elements and the four Seasons of the Year. They are called the L.V.X. Signs. L.V.X., or Lux, is the Light of the Cross. It is that Great Light which is referred to in the Golden Dawn proclamation, "Khabs Am Pekht. Konx Om Pax. Light In Extension." In the Old Order of the Golden Dawn, the L.V.X. Signs were known as "The Sign of Osiris Slain", "The Sign of the Mourning of Isis", "The Sign of Apophis and Typhon", and "The Sign of Osiris Risen."

The Sign of Orus (or Osiris Slain) is also called the Sign of the Cross; the Sign of the Dance of Asi (or Isis Mourning) is also called the Sign of the Svastika, and by shape it is the letter L of the word LVX; the Sign of the Joy of Iacchus (or Apophis and Typhon) is also called the Sign of the Trident, and by shape it is the letter V of the word LVX; the Sign of the Blazing Star (or Osiris Risen) is also called the Sign of the Pentagram, and by shape it is the letter X of the word LVX. [images omitted]

The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram is to be performed after the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram. To use this ritual to invoke or banish, you trace the invoking or banishing Hexagram of Earth in all four quarters of your Temple. The so-called Hexagram of Earth can be used in a general way, for simple operations, like the Pentagram of Earth in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram. In Liber O Vel Manus et Sagittae we are instructed to trace the four so-called Elemental Hexagrams, which were designed by S. L. MacGregor Mathers. These, however, are unessential. The Hexagram of Earth alone is sufficient. Or you may employ the Unicursal Hexagram, as illustrated below. [images omitted]

In the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth are attributed differently to the four quarters than in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram to correspond with the nature of the Zodiac: Fire is in the East for Aries, Earth is in the South for Capricorn, Air is in the West for Libra, and Water is in the North for Cancer. When tracing the Hexagrams in the Lesser Ritual, they should be visualized in golden flame. When going from quarter to quarter, you must trace around yourself a Circle of Light by connecting the center of a completed Hexagram to the area that will become the center of the next Hexagram, just like in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.

Notes by Nexist Xenda’ths
The images are readily available, so I did not include them in this post. For the Signs, they are published under their old aeonic names in Liber O. The Invoking unicursal hexagram is drawn from the top point moving in a downward right direction. The banishing is done likewise, but in a downward left motion. I tend to use the elemental hexagrams from Liber O rather than the only the Earth or unicursal hexagrams. These are Fire in the East, Earth in the South, Air in the West, and Water in the North. Note that this is different that given by Shoemaker in his Living Thelema, which uses the attributions of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual.

David Jones explained to me that the Hexagram ritual’s elemental attributions corresponds to the Enochian system, so I use the Elemental colors of Enochian (White=Fire, Black=Earth, Red=Air, and Green=Water).

Since this ritual is in English, for the most part, little translation is needed. Only INRI and ARARITA need some explanation. INRI is a formula that was adapted from Christianity. An Acronym for Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum, or Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews, the Latin alphabet is mapped to the Hebrew (as given on the second line), which corresponds to the Tarot cards of The Hermit (and here), Death (and here), and The Sun (and here). Their study is recommended in understanding this term.

ARARITA is another acronym (Notariqon). It is a latinization of the Hebrew phrase “Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad”, or, as commonly translated, “One is His Beginning; One is His Individuality; His Permutation is One.

11 March 2017

Again with the Star Ruby (Translation and Notes)

Language is important. Magicians use “barbarous”, “dead” and other strange languages as an aid in bringing about magical consciousness. Some Hebrew, a bit of Enochian, and some Latin force one to enter a state of altered consciousness, if for no other reason, simply because it is something unusual. Still, there is no excuse for not knowing what you are saying. As Abraham von Worms points out, the spirits are not impressed by false erudition. To recite a bunch of syllables is ultimately meaningless, those syllables must have meaning. To this end, I am providing some preliminary notes and translations of the various rituals that I use regularly. The first of these is the Star Ruby, also known as Liber XXV. The primary language of the Star Ruby is Greek.

The first spoken line is “Apo pantos kakadaimonos”. This translates (roughly) to “Flee in terror malevolent (shit) spirits”.

Next is the Qabalistic cross: “Soi” (head), “O phalle” (phallus), “ischuros” (right), and “eukaristos” (left). This can be translated as “Unto thee o phallus, strength and thanksgiving”.

Finally, we have the invocation of the quarters, which goes “Pro mou Junges” (”Before me, Junges”), “Opiso mou Teletarchai” (”Behind me, Teletarchai”), “Epi deksia Synoches” (”On my right hand, Synoches”), and “Eparistera Daimonos”(”On my left hand, Daimonos”). This is wrapped up with “Flegei gar peri mou o aster ton pente. Kai en tee stelle o aster ton hex esteeke” which can be translated as “About me flames the pentagrams. In the column shines the six rayed star”.

The only thing left is to explain what you are calling in the four quarters.

This class of beings are the children of the Father, the bearers of the primordial fire which gives rise to magick and concepts which give rise to motion. This fire & passion is delivered to the Synoches.

These beings represent the guiding forces of initiation, of progress. They are the children of Junges and Synoches. They are responsible for shaping our Will so that we progress forward toward accomplishing that Will.

These beings are the containers of the fire, the mothers which birth creation. The Will, originating from the Junges, is formed by the Synoches and manifested by the Teletarchai. That which we strive to be determines our experiences which result in our current path, the expression of our Will in the current physio-temporal frame.

These are the saints, those who have achieved their will and whose blood fills the Cup of Babalon. They inspire and motivate us, they are our support and our emancipation.

I’ll admit that I am still working on internalizing and expanding my understanding of the beings evoked by the Star Ruby. These descriptions are meant as a starting point.

I find the basic purposes of the attributions correlative with those of the Standard Pentagram rituals. In the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, we have Sol/Raphiel, Luna/Gabriel, Mercury/Michael, and Venus/Uriel. Sol resides in Tiphareth to which is associated the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Luna resides in Yesod which is commonly equated with prophecy, Magick, and Initiation. Mercury is the manifestation of the Will, and Venus is easily the support and benediction of the community.

Crowley viewed this ritual as a Thelemic equivalent to the Greater Pentagram Ritual. However, there are notable changes to the attributions of the pentagrams (though not so much the symbolism of the archangels, as noted in the previous paragraph). While not mentioned explicitly in the text, the attributions are obvious by virtue of the calling of the god-names. Therion is roared like a lion (Leo), Nuit is spoken as a human (Aquarius), Babalon is hissed like a snake (one of the forms of Scorpio), and finally, Hadit is bellowed like a bull (Taurus). Since this is said to be a replacement for the Greater Pentagram Ritual, the sigil of Scorpio should probably be that of an eagle, though one could easily argue that it should be a snake (an eagle would be “cry”).