Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
This was originally in my Video Blog notes, but since it grew too long, I split it out.
Over on Minds, I’ve been commenting on the Sargon/Spencer/Styx video.
- I knew Sargon was popular, but I never realized how much.
- Let me preface by stating that, while I watched Sargon’s commentary on his performance, and some other related videos, I did not watch the original video which clocks in at about 4 and a half hours..
- I made it to 20 minutes before I had to stop
- I should mention that Sargon was late, so I only really watched about five minutes with him in it.
- Styx, Spencer, and Tara were having a discussion that might have become interesting.
- Now I should point out that Spencer was hostile and rude.
- However, Sargon has made a name for himself by being rude.
- And if he can’t handle people being rude back, he should stop
- However, Sargon pretty much lost it.
- He descended into emotionalism
- He kept trying to parrot his talking points even though they weren’t relevant
- In short, he acted just like your typical SJW.
- Now, I am subscribed to Sargon and I will watch some of his shorter videos.
- I don’t find his longer videos to be a good return on my investment.
- In the 80s/90s, I spent a fair amount of time in coffee shops in and around various campuses.
- We spent a lot of time high as a kite theorizing about things.
- I often feel like I am at a table next to some people doing this when I listen to Sargon.
- To put it another way, I don’t feel that Sargon has a very deep understanding of the material he espouses.
- He can easily overcome your typical SJW, leftist, or progressive.
- However, anyone who has studied history, philosophy, etc, etc will beat him as handily as he beats the SJWs
- This was demonstrated in the video where he debated Spencer.
- Spencer is by no means the most informed member of the alt-right.
- However, he is rather informed in his area. People who I know, who are rather knowledgeable and who are on the alt-right, criticize Spencer’s capabilities as a debater.
- Now let me preface that I cringed at the usage of the term “Rights “ being used for the state.
- While a state may have certain rights granted to it by other states
- What they were discussing was power, the states power over the individual for the express purpose of maintaining the society.
- While we can quibble over the coercive nature of the “Social Contract” for subsequent generations, the idea is that the state protects its citizens and its citizens give it power over them.
- When Sargon trotted out Locke’s definition of a society, he was quoting an ideal.
- I.e., it doesn’t exist and is (likely) impossible to implement in its pure form.
- We can hold an ideal as a yardstick for evaluating the acceptability of the practice
- However, we should not conflate the two.
- When Spencer, admittedly rudely, pointed out the irrelevance of the quote as an answer to the question
- Sargon lost it
- This, to me, indicates that Sargon has not thought about the issue and its ramifications
- He should have considered how what he desires, the ideal, differs from what is.
- He should have thought about why this discrepancy is and whether it needs to be rectified or not, and how he would go about rectifying it.
What saddens me the most about this is that I really wanted to know what the various people thought on the issue(s).
- What do Spencer, Styx, and Sargon mean when they use the term “Race Realism”.
- I know what I mean, but what do they mean?
- Likewise, the nuances of State, ethnic or otherwise, economics, etc
- The only way to correctly counter an error (if such errors exist) is to accurately define the error
- Otherwise we fall into the fallacy of straw man.
I don’t really want to get to deeply into the whole “Liberalist” thing, but
- I think that Sargon is seriously underestimating the amount of work required to run a group &/or movement.
- As much as you may dislike Spencer or Falarca, you have to admit they spend a lot of time running their groups.
- People who have little organizational experience often underestimate the amount of work required.
- Take it from someone who has started four groups, co-founded another, and been an officer in several others
- Just as a side note, I ended two of the four groups as I was (as I feel Sargon is) unprepared to manage them
- The other two were passed onto others & I believe they are also no more.
- I am no longer affiliated with the group I co-founded.
- Trust me, it will either get taken over by someone who knows what they are doing or collapse.
- If it gets taken over by someone else it will probably go in a direction Sargon does not desire
- I expect even more drama if this even gets off the ground.
I really wish there was a transcript of the debate, so I could read the whole thing rather than suffering through 4 plus hours.
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Truth is found in the Rubble of Falsehood
Love is the law, love under will
Citations and Notes
Some articles on Counter Currents:
An Identitarian, a Civic Nationalist, & a Classical Liberal Walk into a Stream (the Third One Cucks)
Articles on Minds.Com
Kai Engel
Chant Of Night Blades
Deathless: The Renaissance
The Hellbound Heart
Hellraiser Themes
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