Note: This is part of a project where I am attempting to write something every day. I roll a die and get a word count from a list of twelve entries. Those dealing with topics relevant to this blog will be posted here. This piece is 333 words in length.
De Cultu gives instructions for the practices of the Thelemite. It is
found in Liber Aleph (chapter 16). First, we are told to practice as
instructed in the Holy Books. At the very least, this should be
interpreted as an injunction to study the Holy Books (aka Class A
material). Next, we are told to perform Liber Resh, the Lesser Ritual of
the Pentagram, and to assume the posture of Hoor-pa-Kraat (aka the Sign
of Silence). Next, we are told to perform either the Mass of the
Phoenix or the Gnostic Mass daily. Finally, we are told to perform the
Mass of the Holy Ghost, travel the Astral Planes, and practice all eight
forms of Yoga.
Of the second injunction, I combine them into a
daily ritual. On arising in the morning, I start with a performance of
the Star Ruby. This is followed by the Thelemic Invoking Ritual of the
Pentagram. The Thelemic variant is identical to the standard form except
that it adds “Aiwass” on the downward motion and extends the lower arm
to the Svadisthana chakra. That is, touch the forehead saying “Ateh,”
then the heart saying “Aiwass,” and then the groin and say “Malkuth.”
the pentagram rituals, I perform Resh as follows. Stand straight and
make the sign of the enterer saying “Do what thou wilt shall be the
whole of the law.” I then make one of the signs of NOX, depending on the
time of day: Vir-Ra, Mulier-Ahathoor, Puer-Tum, and Puella-Kephra. I
then bring my feet together at a right angle (think of it as a reversed
‘L’) and say Resh. For the Adoration, I pivot my left foot so they are
parallel (an ‘I’), then I pivot my right foot to form another ‘L.’ I
then face the next quarter and sing “aka dua…” from Liber XV. I make the
sign of NOX for that quarter and say “Love is the law; love under
will,” followed by the Sign of Silence.
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