Earlier, I mentioned that theological argument tends to be a way to avoid engaging the material. Rather than experiencing the divine, one gets bogged down in arguing over how such an engagement should be experienced. In this way, it is much like listening to a virgin discuss the glories of sex. That being said, I do have opinions on these matters. I am just not interested in arguing them per se. I shall devote the next few longer entries on my practices, and how I perform them. You are, of course, free to emulate or ignore them as you will.
Three things I do daily, and are parts of de Cultu, are the Star Ruby, the Thelemic Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, and Resh. Today, I shall discuss the Star Ruby. I use the instructions given in Liber XXV. Since I learned to do this ritual in smaller spaces, I tend to circle in place rather than pace an outer circle. When performing publicly, I try to remember to move around more.
I start in the Sign of Silence, as described in the instruction. When I feel that I have gathered my forces, I dash my hand down so that it is angled to the floor and cry out “APO PANTOS KAKODAIMONOS.” The mental image is an explosive force radiating from my body and instantly cleansing the space. In my mind, the banishing has been accomplished by this singular act. The rest is, so to speak, merely locking the door.
I then do the Cross Qabalistic starting with my hand above my head. I do each line of the cross with one breath.
[Note 20160522: This symbolism is incorrect. The key to understanding the attributions of the quarters for the star ruby can be found in the instructions for calling each god-name: Roar (Lion:Leo) Therion, Say (Man:Aquarius) Nuit, Whisper (Serpent:Scorpio) Babalon, and Bellow (Bull:Taurus) Hadit. This was pointed out to me by DRJ.]
For the pentagrams of the quarters, I add symbolism from Liber V. I stand facing East, and visualize the sign of Taurus. I then visualize a banishing pentagram of Earth in the color of Earth (which for me is a dark green). Once this is stable, I roar “Therion” and visualize a green, bull headed man. This is to represent Therion in his Taurine aspect. Since he is horned, he is already in the “Vir” posture. I then make the sign of silence and turn counter-clockwise to the next quarter. I repeat this for each quarter with the following imagery. North has Aquarius and Air, thus a yellow pentagram around a yellow Aquarius symbol. Nuit is visualized as a young woman standing in the sign of Puella with an earthenware water jug on her back. The jug is large and ties her to the astrological sign of Aquarius. West is for Scorpio and Water, thus the pentagram is visualized as a dark blue Scorpio symbol surrounded by a dark blue pentagram. Babalon is visualized as standing in the sign of Mulier with a large scorpion at her feet and an Eagle flying between her outstretched arms. Finally, in the South we have Leo and Fire. The pentagram and sign are visualized in a dark Red. Hadit is visualized standing in the sign of Puer with a Lion’s head. All vocalizations are done as indicated, roar “Therion,” say “Nuit,” whisper “Babalon,” and cry “Hadit.”
From the center, I then do my “Paian” while performing the Signs of NOX. Most people seem to repeat “IO PAN” three times for each sign. This has always felt cumbersome to me. Instead, I do each sign in rapid succession crying “IO PAN” for each. This is just more comfortable for me. Thus I do Puella, Puer, Mulier, Vir, and Mater Triumphans while crying “IO PAN” for each sign.
I then recite the text, breaking for the quarter parts (”PRO MOU IUNGES” pause, etc) while standing in the LVX sign of Osiris Slain. I make the Sign of Osiris Risen for “ASTÉR TÕN EX ESTÉXE.” I then repeat the Cross Qabalistic and return to the sign of silence and end.
It has always struck me odd to repeat the banishing cry at this point, since the room is cleared. Repeating it won’t harm anything, but it seems pointless.
[More on The Cross Qabalistic of the Star Ruby]
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