Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Welcome to the latest iteration of “Frater O+X Speaks”. I’d been
thinking about starting a Rumble channel, but YouTube forced my hand by
spuriously suspending my channel because “Spam, scams or commercially
deceptive content are not allowed on YouTube,” despite the fact that
I’ve never engaged in any of these practices.
When I pointed out that I did not sell anything, try to sell
anything, or respond except to the comment or video in question (&
that sparingly), and further, I haven’t been posting much of anything
over the past year as I was deployed, courtesy of the US Military, they
(to paraphrase a bit) told me, “So What?”
Anyway, enough of the duplicitous inquisition of Silicon
I am Frater O+X. I have gone by various other names, both online and in Occult circles. Prior names have included Nexist, Nexist Xenda’ths, 31Seel, Gaeryth, Vividus Propter Deperire, IAO SABAO, and Eli Lith.
I have studied a wide variety of Occultic and Religious practice##s. I am demitted from both the Freemasons and the Ordo Templi Orientis. I am a Master Mason, I went through the degrees of the Scottish Rite, but did not work them. In the OTO, I am a Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix, and Knight of the Pelican & Eagle (or V*). I am an ordained priest of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. I also spent a few years practicing Alexandrian Wicca prior to joining the OTO. All in all, I have spent 35 years practicing various forms of Occultism, three decades of which were specifically Thelemic. I hold a degree in Asian Studies, with a focus on Japanese Religion and Art.
This is nowhere near complete, but I hate people who tell you how great they are — it should be self-evident. I am currently unaffiliated with any organized group and the thoughts expressed are my own. They are derived from the materials referenced and through a logical extension of those ideas. I start with the radical idea that Crowley might have known what he was talking about when it comes to Thelema.
So, where to from here. My goal is to discuss various topics of interest to the aspiring Thelemite. I will discuss Thelema, Primordial Tradition, various Religions, and Philosophy. I will discuss the occasional book, song, or other media. I plan on trying to put out one video a month to start.
Since I am not pretty, you won’t be looking at me.
Truth is found in the rubble of falsehood.
Love is the law, love under will.